Located in the middle of Fire Country. Konoha experiences the full gamut of desirable weather - that is to say, it’s usually sunny, and even the rainy days can be pleasant. The village is roughly one third smaller than it was before the war, but strolling down the streets of Konoha you might never realize unless someone told you.
Konoha does not appear to have been damaged by the war at all. The unwavering Will of Fire blazed in the hearts of the survivors and they set about rebuilding and landscaping the damaged parts of the village almost immediately. Narrow brick pathways sprawl from the outer edges of the village, shaded by decades old oak trees, leading to small housing communities tucked neatly into the forest. The village is more a part of the forest now than it had ever been in the past. Many buildings in downtown Konoha received new facades or were rebuilt completely. Beyond this, the village isn’t looking to waste resources on overextending its boundaries. They make room for new citizens as it’s required. In the meantime, all the spaces reserved for future expansion are filled with neatly kept parks and forested areas.
The forces of Konoha have the clans of Aburame, Akimichi, Inuzuka, Hyuuga, Nara, Senju, Uchiha, and the Yamanaka to call upon.
After the Fourth Great Shinobi war, Konoha was no longer the most densely populated village. They had the largest population of civilians and shinobi before the war - and in honor of all those lost they built a second monument in the east. As tradition in Konoha goes, they’ll never forget those who gave their lives for their village, but they won’t let the past keep them from building the brightest future they can. Even a century after the war, the Will of Fire burns more brightly now than it had ever in the past.
Unfortunately all of this good will does not pay the bills. Because Konoha had the most to lose, it lost the most. They’re steadily rebuilding, and each generation of shinobi seems more bright and promising than the last.
The Aburame are one of four noble clans of Konohagakure, a quiet clan whose members usually keep to themselves. They are fairly distinct in the way they dress themselves, usually covering the majority of their body with their clothing, with dark glasses that hide their eyes. They are soft-spoken, often preferring only to speak when they have something worthwhile to say.
Their solitude may have to do with their clan’s techniques, as every clan member at a young age becomes host to a hive of insects called Kikaichuu, a special type of beetle-like bug which can actually eat the chakra of their enemies in battle. Their bodies become the nest of the bugs, and over time they form a symbiotic relationship that allows the Aburame to mentally control and direct them. While a powerful kekkai genkai, it is not an ability that interests most people.
Aburame begin with 1 less Unique Point.
An ability exclusive to the Aburame, wherein they allow their own bodies to become a hive for the Kikaichuu.
Effects: You gain a Swarm the first time this is taken, and add one to it for every rank after the first. As part of the cost of being a host of the Kikaichuu, you gain RES * 2 less to your Vitality, and RES less to your Hit Points (making them RES * 6+STR * 4 and RES * 2+CHA, respectively, before any Uniques).
Kikaichuu can be commanded out to a maximum range of CHA*2 yards. Any further than that and you can no longer communicate with them and can only send them to places you know, and can only give them a single, basic command (“Go home and find Ino” would work, but “Search the town for anything suspicious” would not). They will complete it to the best of their ability and then return to you, but for every day in which they are beyond the listed range, its Swarm Size is reduced by one.
Every Swarm deployed must have one Female Kikai with it (see below for acquiring Female Kikai), and the Female Kikai is only considered killed when the entire Swarm is destroyed. For every additional Female Kikai you have in a swarm past the first, that Swarm gains +1 to its Accuracy and any d20 rolls it makes, but extra Female Kikai are destroyed earlier, requiring at least two Swarm Size per Female Kikai. If you had 3 Female Kikai in a Size 5 swarm, the third would be destroyed if it was reduced to Size 4, and the second would be destroyed if it was reduced to Size 2.
For every one Swarm Size, the Swarm has effectively CHA in Vitality. They do not actually lose Vitality though, instead they lose 1 Swarm Size for every (CHA) in damage they take from an attack. There’s no limit to this, but you always round down. If Shino had a Swarm Size 5 and 60 CHA, and someone did 298 damage to the Swarm, the Swarm would be reduced to Size 1, and any future attacks would require doing 60 damage to destroy the remaining Swarm Size, not 2.
Below are the basic ways in which you can use your swarm. In all cases, X is equal to the size of the swarm. If it ever becomes relevant, for every two Swarm Size, the Swarm’s effective rank increases (Size 1-2 is E, 3-4 is D, etc to a maximum of A), the Swarm uses your NDB when called for, and any Wounds the Swarm inflicts are considered Energy Wounds.
Deploy (Speed X) – This creates a cloud of Kikaichuu around you that extends X yard(s) out from you. You gain an upkeep equal to X/3 (round up). You can have multiple different swarms active, adding the size of all swarms together to determine your total Upkeep.
Tags: Preparation
Return (Speed X/2 or +X/2, Interrupt) – As long as you are within your swarm’s area, you can recall your deployed Kikaichuu. An Aburame may do this as an Interrupt to have them return to their body as they dodge an attack; a successful dodge means they return without being hit, while a failure means they are hit, and any remaining Swarm Size after the attack is resolved is returned to the Aburame.
Dodge (Speed X/2, Interrupt) – Your Swarm attempts to dodge an incoming attack. If you and the swarm must simultaneously dodge the same attack (from an Area of Effect attack, for example), then they dodge as part of your action, without having its own speed.
Move (Speed Variable) – Your Swarm moves, using your CHA in place of your AGI to determine its speed.
Search (Speed 4) – You use your bugs to assist you in finding something (or someone). You make an Awareness roll, with a +X bonus to the roll, maximum of CHA/20.
Hide (Speed X or +X) – You send your bugs out to hide, with a +5 bonus to their Stealth roll due to their size. You can choose to have your Swarm Hide when you first Deploy it by adding +X to the Speed of the Deploy action. Even if you have multiple Swarms each hiding, your Kikaichuu have a singular penalty to their Stealth rolls for every time they Hide in the same battle, even amongst different Swarms, tracked separately from your own penalty.
Drain (Speed 10, Chakra 5+X) – You send your Kikaichuu to bite and suck out the Chakra of someone. The target must be within the Swarm’s area or within the Swarm’s ability to move while attacking, as it is a melee range attack for the Swarm. This is considered a Ninjutsu attack, but deals no damage; if the Swarm hits, the target makes a Chakra Exhaustion 10+X roll, and then takes a penalty to Chakra Exhaustion rolls equal to X/3. The penalty is cumulative with itself if the Swarm bites the same person, but is cleared when they advance a Fatigue Level as normal. Do note that the CE roll is made first, and any Fatigue advancement is done before applying the subsequent penalty to CE.
Guard (Speed 6+X/2, Interrupt) – You can use your Swarm to defend yourself or others that are within its area. Make a Dodge roll, with a bonus of X/2 to the roll. If you succeed, the attack is considered to have hit the Swarm instead, though the Swarm’s regular reduction for Taijutsu does not apply (non-AoE do not deal half damage and Small weapons and Arrows don’t reduce the Swarm by 1 less), as the Swarm is intentionally acting as a shield. If the Swarm’s Size is reduced to 0 by the damage of the attack, then you subtract from its damage the effective Vitality the Swarm had, and anything left over is dealt to the intended target. Partial Defense does not apply to the Swarm.
A special type of Kikaichuu responsible for reproduction and signaling, Female Kikaichuu are precious to the Aburame, who rely upon them to coordinate the masses of ordinary Kikaichuu.
Effects: You gain one Female Kikai every time you take this ability. You can not have more ranks in this ability than you have ranks in Kikaichuu no Jutsu.
Female Kikai are required to deploy swarms, and have many uses to them, but the most basic use is to simply be a tracking beacon for the Aburame, who can sense its presence from afar and by association, someone whom the Female Kikai is hidden upon. To plant a Female Kikai outside of combat is typically an opposed Espionage roll, with a +5 bonus thanks to the bug’s size.
In combat, you can attempt to plant a Female Kikai on someone anytime you make a melee-range attack, by increasing the attack’s speed by 4 (which does not increase its damage). If the action is successful, you also implant on the target a Female Kikai. This can be done when a Swarm attacks as well, but if it was the only Female Kikai in the Swarm, then the Swarm dissipates and the bugs scatter; you can recover the Swarm Size with a Return action, but the Swarm can take no actions itself. They get an Awareness roll versus the normal Stealth roll for Kikai hiding when it’s attached, but thereafter the female Kikai is considered to be in Stealth 3, and they typically have no reason to suspect its presence. It is a Speed 2 action for someone to crush a female kikai that they’ve found on themselves.
For as long as the Female Kikai is attached, the Aburame has a +5 Awareness bonus against the person it’s attached to, any attacking Swarms have +3 Accuracy, and they’re always considered to be 1 Stealth level lower than they really are. If this would mean that they are not Stealthed at all, the Aburame can attack them with ranged attacks as normal, but can not attack with melee attacks (or have their clones do so), with the exception of using a Swarm’s Drain ability and the Insect Sphere jutsu.
You can only attach a single Female Kikai to a person (attaching more gives no added benefit), but can have multiple Female Kikai placed on different people simultaneously. Deploying Female Kikai does not reduce the level of your Swarm Size, but it does limit how many Swarm Size you can recover via Insect Cocoon. Female Kikai are recovered naturally, at a rate of 1 + Max Willpower/2 per day, so use them wisely.
By touching the ground and sending their chakra out in a web-like pattern, they can attract the attention of nearby insects to follow the chakra signal and come to the Aburame, which allows them to gain some basic information about an area.
Effects: Any insects within (X * 5) yards are drawn to you, which you can then gather information from. Most insects are generally only concerned with very primitive things (eating, survival, and reproduction), and therefore are limited in what they may know, but will communicate what they can. Keep in mind this is not a capacity to talk to insects, merely communicate with them. X has a maximum of 10.
Since the Kikaichuu use their bodies as a nest and feed on Chakra, the Aburame can feed them even in the midst of battle to force a rapid reproduction, allowing more Kikai to be used if a large number happen to be destroyed.
Effects: You restore 1 Swarm Size per X; Y is the number of times you’ve used this jutsu this battle. As part of this jutsu you can also deploy (and hide, if you wish) the Swarm that you create. X is limited by the number of Female Kikai you have left alive and undeployed. You can not recover Female Kikai with this technique.
Using a Swarm that the Aburame has already spread out over an area in the battlefield and a Female Kikai’s trackability, the Aburame commands their Kikaichuu to harass and converge upon a single target. Unless they keep on the move, they will inevitably become swarmed by Kikaichuu that crawl up and all over their body, and attempts to run will have them continually chased by the Swarm.
Effects: When you activate this jutsu, a deployed Swarm becomes single-mindedly focused on a singular enemy, and harasses them continuously. From then you track the Swarm individually, but the Swarm only takes a single action: Moving toward your designated target, which must have a Female Kikai upon them. If the Female Kikai is ever destroyed, this Jutsu ends automatically and the Swarm becomes a regular swarm on the battlefield. You can, at most once every 10 IC, spend AP to have the Swarm attack their target, assuming the Swarm is in melee range of them. You use your base Accuracy for Ninjutsu, unmodified by Status effects, Wounds, Temporary Bonuses, though penalties from Fatigue do apply.
You can have the Swarm make a basic attack (dealing the listed damage above) for X/2 AP, or you can choose to have the Swarm perform any Grapple Jutsu you know of C-rank or lower, paying AP equal to its base Speed. So long as the Swarm is able to maintain melee range with their target, the Swarm is considered to be Grappling the target and in control. Rather than making Grapple rolls to escape, the Target must move far enough away to break melee range with the Swarm to be considered ‘free’ of the Grapple.
The Swarm is immune to the Grappled condition itself, however, and both the Swarm and the Target do not have their Movement speed reduced for being in a Grapple (though the Target could still have their movement speed reduced from individual Grapple Jutsu, such as a Leg Lock), nor do they suffer the normal penalties associated with being Grappled; the Swarm merely gains the benefits of being considered in a Grapple with the target and in control if it’s beneficial for them. The sole exception to the above is that if they are using this special Grapple with someone who is suffering from an Ignite status, it harms the Swarm following normal Swarm rules and can reduce the Swarm’s size (potentially to 0, ending this jutsu) as a result. If a Grapple Check is ever required for a Grapple Jutsu they perform (such as from Tiger Drop), the Swarm uses your NDB in place of PDB. The Swarm is considered to have unlimited limbs.
While this Jutsu is being maintained, the Swarm used in this Technique can not be used for any other action (drain, guard, creating clones, etc) until the technique is dismissed, though it can defend itself normally.
The Aburame commands their Kikaichuu to disperse over a wide area of the battlefield and then transmits their Chakra to them, covering the field in chakra pathways. Depending on the whims of the Aburame, they can produce a variety of effects, from sensor disruption to draining an entire enemy squadron simultaneously.
Effects: You create a cloud of Kikaichuu that turn into an Environmental effect, that can be used to do one of several things. You pick one from the list below when you first use this jutsu, and can switch between them as a Speed 4 + X action without repaying the cost, so long as the Upkeep is maintained.
The Swarm used for this technique can not be used for anything else (drain, guard, creating clones, etc) until the technique is dismissed, and can not be targeted or attacked, nor do they take damage from area of effect attacks. You are immune to the penalties of this technique, but can benefit from its effects (when using Disrupt Chakra Sensors, namely), and can specify (Chakra Control Ranks)/5 additional people to be immune to Bug Jamming’s effects (chosen based on who is in the affected area at any given time).
Disrupt Chakra Sensors - While maintaining the field, you take no penalty for the upkeep of your Kikaichuu (or this technique) when someone tries to sense or spot you, and instead have a bonus to of X to disguise and/or hide yourself from attempts to detect you via Chakra (namely a Chakra Sensor’s Scan, and a Natural Chakra user’s A Dream of the World, though in the latter case, it does not prevent you from detecting your overall presence). Those able to identify individual chakra signaturs are unable to do so for anyone within the field.
Obstruct Vision - By constantly keeping in motion and following a synchronized pattern, the beetles can obstruct anyone’s vision who is within the field. While not an actual hindrance to movement, they impose a -X Visibility Penalty to anyone inside of it, or anyone attacking into the field, for as long as it’s maintained. If this technique has its visibility penalty reduced by other jutsu (such as by the E-rank Fuuton, Cleansing Winds) then it regains 1 point of its penalty every 5 IC that pass, so long as you maintain its Upkeep. On the other hand, effects which remove it entirely (such as the A-rank Fuuton, The North Wind) will, indeed, remove it (and end the Upkeep automatically).
Chakra Drain - Anyone inside of the field who makes a Chakra Exhaustion roll while within the field takes a penalty to their roll equal to X, which persists until they leave the field. Unlike normal penalties to Fatigue, it does not go away when you advance a Fatigue level: You must leave the area to get rid of the penalty.
Using thousands of Kikaichuu, the Aburame creates a replica of themselves made out of their bugs. While it isn’t capable of taking damage well, the clone can utilize the Aburame’s chakra and jutsu, making it a powerful tool.
Effects: You create Y clone(s) of yourself (Max 2), dedicating one or more ranks of your Swarm Size to each clone. Your clones inherit all the properties of a normal swarm. X is equal to the Swarm Size dedicated to each clone (and thus can be different per clone), and has a minimum of Y, as each clone must have one Swarm Size.
Once the Swarm Size used to make a clone is reduced to 0, the clone is destroyed (as is the Female Kikai). You can voluntarily dismiss any clones as a Speed X + Y * 2 action to turn one or more clones back into regular Swarm(s), but you can never regain any Willpower spent on creating Mushi Bunshin. The Swarm Size used to create these clones reduces your current and maximum Swarm Size (you can’t ‘replace’ swarm size for this jutsu with Insect Cocoon).
These clones can perform any jutsu you know, but have no chakra of their own, and you pay any costs (CE, Stamina, Upkeeps) associated with their actions. They act only when you spend AP for them to do so, and can’t act again until an IC has passed equal to the speed of their action. You may hide amongst your clones (and others may Observe them) as normal, but if they act or react in a way that makes it obvious they’re bugs (such as taking less damage from a Taijutsu attack, or being immune to grapples or various status effects), it’s obvious they’re a clone.
Bug Clones can attempt basic dodges and parries, along with the following actions:
Basic Attack [Variable AP] - The clone may make any basic unarmed or weapon attack, paying 1 AP per X speed of that action.
Jutsu [Variable AP] - The clone can perform any Jutsu you know, paying 1 AP per X speed of that action. It uses your DEX to determine Seal Speeds, which have to be paid for by AP as well.
Though they are one of the Four Noble Clans of Konoha, the Akimichi are perhaps the most gregarious, altruistic, and downright friendly of the four by a large margin.
The typical Akimichi is of below-average height and stockily built. Most are overweight, though some are husky or muscular. This is partly genetics, and partly the result of their unique jutsu, which allows them to manipulate their physiology and rapidly convert calories directly into chakra.
A tradition within the Akimichi clan, though not strictly enforced, is for its shinobi to place some manner of design on their cheeks in face paint, chosen after they become Genin. Some change it every time they are promoted in rank, while others go the opposite and get their chosen style permanently tattooed. Common designs are spirals, triangles, and concentric circles.
Since before Konoha was founded, the Akimichi, Nara and Yamana clans have collaborated closely with one another, and they’re famously known to have developed squad tactics known as “Formation Ino-Shika-Chō” from the names of its clan members passed down through the generations, with multiple variations of the Formation developed to respond to a variety of situations.
Akimichi begin with 1 less Unique Point.
Akimichi can convert excess calories to Chakra, and in fact, it is a well-kept secret within the clan that they have to in order to utilize their Clan Jutsu: They are simply too exhausting to be used without them. Overuse of this ability results in them literally eating away at their own body, as once all fat stores have been used, muscles and organ tissue is converted next.
Effects: You gain 5 Calorie Points (CP) per rank of this ability taken. CP can be spent to lower the Chakra cost of any Akimichi clan jutsu on a one-for-one basis, to a minimum of 0. If you reduce any Jutsu’s Chakra cost to 0, you do not have to roll for it (but make sure you declare the CP is reducing it to 0 for clarity).
You recover RES/5 CP per day, or half that amount if you can’t eat at least two full meals. You can choose to stop at your normal maximum (5 per rank) or go up to double that value (with 4 ranks, you’d have a normal maximum of 20, and a true maximum of 40). Every 10 CP you are over your normal maximum (round up) applies a -1 to Dodge rolls and Athletics rolls. As you use CP in battle, you adjust these penalties accordingly.
In dire circumstances, you may spend HP (not Vitality) in place of CP. This may only be done once you have 0 CP remaining, and for every 1 CP you wish to utilize to help pay for a Jutsu, you lose 4 HP.
Tasty, individually-wrapped energy bars which come in dozens of flavors, including peanut butter, chocolate chip, blackberry, celery, and milk. They’re packed full of calories and simple carbohydrates, and Akimichi are able to metabolize them almost instantly.
Effects: You can eat these to gain Calorie Points! Eating a bar in combat is a Speed 10 action that restores 10+(RES/10) CP. You may only eat up to RES/25 Energy Bars in a day (any more and they’ll end up making you sick). The CP gained from these Energy Bars can not take you above your normal maximum for CP, based on your ranks of Calorie Conversion.
The Akimichi’s signature jutsu, this increases the user’s height and weight drastically; due to the extreme amounts of chakra necessary to cause such immediate growth, it’s usually fueled by the clan’s calorie control techniques.
Effects: X has a maximum of 5. You gain +Xd* to all Taijutsu, increase (not decrease) the base Speed of all your Taijutsu attacks by X/2 (round down), add (or increase the existing) Area X/2 (round down) to all melee Taijutsu (though if you use a single-target attack it still requires a target, even with the added Area), gain (STR/10)*X DR, and reduce all Knockbacks you suffer by X. Unfortunately, you also gain a -X to all Dodges while in this form, though if you choose to utilize the Take the Hit action, the penalty to Dodge is instead changed to a bonus, and you are allowed to automatically block whenever you successfully Take the Hit.
You can opt to change the value of X as a Speed Y * 2, CP Y * 5 action while you maintain this jutsu, with Y being the difference between its current value and the value you’re changing it to: going from X = 4 to X = 1 would be Speed 6 action costs 15 CP.
After enlarging with Baika no Jutsu, the Akimichi tucks their arms and legs close to their body (and usually under their similarly-enlarged clothing) and rolls semi-blindly toward a target to run right into them. LIKE A WREEECKING BAAALLL.
Effects: When you use this Jutsu you declare that you are Rolling and for how many IC. You can also declare one other variable speed action (such as Block, or Defensive Formation) to utilize alongside it, which is not ended by any Bowl attacks you make so long as you continue Rolling. Its Chakra Cost is increased by 4 per rank of Power Attack you wish to apply to any of the Bowl attacks you make while Rolling, which doesn’t then increase the Stamina cost of Bowl. While Rolling the only non-interrupt action you can take without first Aborrting your Rolling action is Bowl, below, or the Move action, though while you are moving your secondary variable speed action choice (if any) does not apply. You take Baika’s X as a penalty to Taijutsu parries and Awareness rolls, can not use any jutsu with a Seal Speed or hold weapons, and any grapples you are in control of automatically end, but you ignore any Stuns of X or less.
–( Bowl )–
Effects: This attack is modified by Baika no Jutsu, as normal for Taijutsu, and does not end your Rolling action from Human Bullet Tank. If you hit someone with this attack, your IC advances only half as much as it ordinarily would (if you hit someone with a Speed 12 Bowl attack, you’d then only advance your IC by 6), and successive hits of Bowl against the same target(s) multiple times increases your Damage Bonus by 1, consecutively, up to half your normal damage bonus. However, if you miss someone with this attack, you can’t target them again with it for double the speed of the Bowl attack you missed with, as you must make wide turns (though you can always elect to target someone else in that time).
A more exhausting but wieldy version of Baika no Jutsu, this jutsu quickly enlarges only a single part of the Akimichi’s body, usually an arm or leg, in order to enhance a Taijutsu attack’s force and reach and take their opponents by surprise.
Effects: You can add this technique to any other Taijutsu attack you perform; you gain +Xd* to the attack’s damage, add (or increase the existing) Range by X, add a Knockback of X/2, and gain +X/5 Accuracy to the attack and if it’s a melee attack, it gains or increases its Area by X/2, rounding down where necessary. The first time this Jutsu is used in combat, it’s treated as a Surprise Attack. X has a maximum of 6. Your limb returns to normal immediately after the attack is resolved. At least five CP must be spent every time you utilize this jutsu, though it reduces the Chakra cost like normal.
The Akimichi attaches dozens of kunai to multiple lengths of wire which they then drape loosely around their body. When they increase in size the wires become taut, and the kunai form rings of spikes around their body. While this is certainly effective as a means of attack, the real purpose is much simpler: the kunai function like cleats, aiding in turning.
Effects: This jutsu functions in all the same ways as described in Nikudan Sensha, except that your Bowl attack is now Stamina 15 and considered to be a weapon attack, meaning Blocking reduces it by less, and it may be harder to parry, and you can take and apply Weapon Focus to it, as well as Power Attack, with both abilities normal Stamina increase instead applying to its Chakra cost, at double the normal cost. For every point your attack hits by you add +1d* to the attack’s damage, though if they block or elect to not defend they do not take any addition damage, and anyone who attempts to attack you in melee range while you’re Rolling takes half Bowl’s damage, with no Speed or Damage Bonus added to it, which can not wound. They can choose to opt out of their attack to avoid the damage, but otherwise get no defense against it if they continue with their attack. Thanks to the Kunai, the delay in how quickly you can turn to target someone is made easier, negating the delay before you can retarget someone after missing them with Bowl.
Using this Jutsu requires at least 30 Kunai attached by wire, which are not used up and may be used repeatedly for this technique, though repurposing them as throwing weapons (i.e., removing them from their wire) means they can not longer be used for this until reattached (as something to be done out of combat).
Essentially an even larger version of Baika no Jutsu, the Akimichi increases to gigantic proportions, at a minimum as tall as a two-story building, and potentially up to several times that amount.
Effects: Baika no Jutsu’s X maximum is increased to 10. When X is higher than 5, the following changes also apply:
Usable only when already enlarged by Baika no Jutsu, the Akimichi tend to perform this jutsu sparingly because of how tiring it is, but there’s no denying the efficacy of reinforcing a person-sized palm with more Chakra to turn it hard as steel in order to flatten your opponent in the hand-sized crater left behind in the ground.
Effects: You can add this Jutsu to any other Unarmed Taijutsu attack you perform except for Nikudan Sensha or Nikudan Hari Sensha, and any jutsu which specify they are kicks. You double all of the bonuses that Baika no Jutsu grants for that attack, including the Taijutsu die size increase, which can increase d12’s to d20’s (as one step), gaining the +2 damage per die thereafter if it would increase again. At least ten CP must be spent every time you utilize this jutsu, though they reduce the Chakra cost like normal.
A secret medicine developed and used exclusively by the Akimichi clan, these three pills convert stored energy into chakra to give the user a tremendous boost in power. Understandably, these are exceptionally potent in the hands of an Akimichi. Even so, there’s a good reason they’re not widely used: They’re not gentle on the body, and are exceedingly toxic. Despite their names, they don’t taste like food. They taste like, well—Poison.
Effects: You gain access to three different, Akimichi-exclusive Pills, detailed below, gaining one of each Pill. Eating a Pill is a Speed 8 action. All Pills operate the same way: When you take a pill, you will gain some amount of Calorie Points, some amount of Stats, and are Poisoned for a certain number of IC. The amount of CP you gain is based on your true maximum (10 per rank of Calorie Conversion), but can not take you above it. While under the effects of the pills, you suffer no penalties of having too many CP, but when a pill’s effects end, you lose CP equal to how many it gave you, and must spend your own Hit Points to bring yourself up to 0 if you go into a negative amount, losing 2 HP per CP you’re short. This can take you into the negative of HP, and can be fatal. While using any of the Pills, you can not access Natural Chakra or open any Gates, and any NC you had or any Gates that were opened when you take a Pill are lost, or closed, as appropriate.
When under the effect of any pill, or when a pill’s effects expire, you can take a higher-strength pill as a Speed 8 Interrupt. If you use one while another is in effect (for example, you take the Green pill, and 20 IC later you take the Yellow pill) you overwrite all the effects (including the Poison) of the lower-strength pill, but you lose only the higher pill’s CP allotment when it’s full Duration expires and suffer Fatigue levels only when your new Pill’s effects (i.e., Poison) ends, meaning you only suffer the penalties of the highest, and most recent, Pill you have taken.
As you may notice, it’s quite possible to go above “Fatigue 6”, which is to say, unconscious, by using these pills. Pushing your body to such extremes is dangerous, and hard to recover from: For every Fatigue level you are beyond unconscious (i.e., Fatigue 8 would be 2 over the normal maximum), each Fatigue level takes an entire in-game week to heal. For example, if you were at Fatigue 9, you would be 3 levels above and beyond unconscious. This means that once you wake up, it would take a week to recover from Fatigue 5, another week to recover from Fatigue 4, and a third week to recover from Fatigue 3. While still recovering in this delayed manner, you cannot regain any Calorie Points or receive the benefits of the Pills (they’re still poison, though) until you’ve begun to recover your Fatigue at the normal rate.
Akimichi are issued only one of each pill at a time. Anyone other than an Akimichi who takes one of the pills suffers the Poison effect, and receives none of the benefits. Giving these pills away is treason, and it’s a credit to the clan that to date no Akimichi has done so.
You gain half your normal maximum Calorie Points, and your Chakra Exhaustion penalty is reset to 0. For the pill’s duration, you gain +5 to all stats.
You gain half your true maximum Calorie Points, and your Stamina penalty is reset to 0. For the pill’s duration, you gain +10 to all stats.
You gain your full true maximum’s worth of CP, and your Fatigue level is reduced by 1. For the Pill’s duration, you gain +15 to all stats, and you gain access to a special jutsu, detailed below.
This technique is only usable after an Akimichi has consumed a Red Chili Pill, due to its extreme chakra requirements; in fact, that’s where it got its name. The amount of chakra produced from consuming it is so excessive that the Akimichi’s body has to vent it off, resulting in visible plumes of chakra bursting from their shoulder blades in a display reminiscent of butterfly wings.
Effects: You gain double your normal Physical Damage Bonus to this attack. Your target takes full damage, and anyone else in its area takes half damage. You must use at least 50 CP each time you perform this attack; if you don’t have enough CP, you can’t use it.
Throughout their history, the Hyuuga have adhered closely to a tradition of segregating family members into either the Main House or the Branch House, typically on the basis of gender and sibling birth order. Members of the Main House control and direct the affairs of the Hyuuga clan at large, whereas the Branch House is tasked with faithfully serving and protecting members of the Main House and – in a wider scope – the interests of the entire Hyuuga clan.
This practice of sealing Branch House family members, however, came to its end through the concerted influence of three famed Hyuuga of the Fourth Shinobi World War. Thanks to their tireless spirit, cooperation, and heroic reputation garnered from the War, they won the crucial number of Main House members to their side, greatly healing a rift between the houses that had been ever-widening in previous decades. Soon afterward, the head of the Hyuuga clan decreed that thenceforth none would be branded with the seal.
With the divide between the houses now gone, the Hyuuga have risen to prominence both within and beyond their village as one of the most noble clans of Konoha. They are widely known for the distinct milky-white eyes, dark hair, and sophistication in the way they dress and talk. Shinobi of other nations tend to be wary of them, as their gentle fist style of fighting makes it impossible to tell just how competent a Hyuuga may be by their physical stature, with legends of one touch being enough to cripple an opponent.
Hyuuga begin with 1 less Unique Point.
Activating Byakugan is a Speed 0, Seal Speed 6 action which, once you can reduce its Seal Speed to 0, you no longer need to perform handseals to activate it. You can activate Byakugan when rolling Initiative with the Preparation ability. Byakugan has an Upkeep of 2, grants +5 to Awareness rolls, and while active, anyone Hidden (or who attempts to Hide) within Byakugan’s range is automatically spotted if their Stealth TN is lower than your total bonus to Awareness (without the normal 1d20, or anything in place of it).
You can differentiate between people and clones (except for Kage Bunshin), and can tell if someone is using Henge (though this does not allow you to see their true form).
Byakugan allows you to see through physical objects (though you’re still aware of their presence), giving you (in crude terms) “X-ray vision”, except you see Chakra instead of bones and dense objects. You can see everything in a CHA yard radius around you this way. This allows you to spot jutsu-based traps and effects, and detect the presence of Fuinjutsu placed on a person, item, or area. When actively searching for an opponent in combat, you double Byakugan’s normal Awareness bonus.
Finally, you are immune to all Visibility Penalties from external sources, such as blindfolds, ninjutsu-induced mists, and bombs. You are immune to Genjutsu which target an area instead of people, can automatically see through them as if they weren’t there, and can tell when someone else (not yourself) is being affected by a Genjutsu (of any kind) from the disturbance in their chakra flow.
The Hyuuga’s signature fighting style which makes use of Byakugun’s ability to see an opponent’s chakra flow alongside graceful taijutsu strikes. With every contact the Hyuuga injects small bursts of chakra into calculated points within the opponent’s chakra flow, sealing them off and damaging internal organs directly. Save for unique physiology or other abilities, Jyuuken is notoriously difficult to defend against once contact is made.
Effects: Jyuuken uses half your Ninjutsu Damage Bonus, instead of your Physical Damage Bonus. Its damage cannot be blocked, ignores armor, and bypasses DR. Jyuuken’s damage is dealt directly to an opponent’s HP (instead of Vitality). Every time you hit someone with Jyuuken, you inflict Sealed Tenketsu 1, or increase their existing Sealed Tenketsu status by one (if they already have the Status effect). Jyuuken inflicts Energy Wounds.
When used as an Opener, Jyuuken allows you to convert any subsequent Combo jutsu you use into a Jyuuken variant without paying the normal +5 Chakra cost (but you gain all the other effects listed below, as normal for a Jyuuken conversion), for that duration of that Combo.
In addition to the above attack, once you learn this jutsu, you can use Jyuuken to convert any Unarmed or Combo Taijutsu into a Jyuuken variation, applying the following effects:
One offensive counterpart to the defensive Hakkeshou Kaiten. Rather than releasing chakra from all tenketsu to form a protective barrier, chakra is released from certain tenketsu, typically the forearm and palm, to create a forceful thrust, which damages an opponent at a distance.
Effects: This is added to any Jyuuken or Jyuuken-converted Unarmed or Combo attack, increasing its Chakra cost and Speed accordingly (though its damage does not increase). It allows those techniques to be performed at the listed range (and, accordingly, does not break combos). Because this changes the technique into what is essentially a wave of force, it prevents them from being parried as a normal Unarmed Taijutsu, and converts them (for the purposes of defending against them) into being considered Ranged Ninjutsu Projectiles, as it is essentially a wave of force. It cannot, however, be used to extend the range of the various Gentle Fist finishers.
The absolute defense of the Hyuuga clan, to use this technique the Hyuuga simultaneously releases chakra from every tenketsu in their body and begins spinning rapidly. The combined effect is to generate a virtually impervious shield of rotating chakra; what makes it truly effective is that the chakra used won’t dissipate until the user finally comes to a stop.
Effects: Kaiten’s final Speed my never go below its base Speed, and it always uses its base Speed for its damage (i.e., X does not add to NDB * Spd for damage). If used as an Interrupt, you make an Accuracy Roll with a +X/2 bonus against all attacks directed at you that IC; failure means you are hit, but activate Kaiten immediately afterwards. Kaiten deals Energy wounds.
Kaiten lasts for its full Speed in IC after being used. For example, if you used it on IC 22 when attacked, paying 8 Chakra and Stamina, it would last until IC (22+6+3) = 31. Anytime after the first 6 IC have passed (on IC 28), you may abort Kaiten.
Kaiten flawlessly deflects any Ninjutsu (including Area of Effect Ninjutsu) or Taijutsu while you are spinning. Though it can not be used to interrupt Genjutsu, you cannot be targeted by them while Kaiten is in progress.
Anyone within Kaiten’s Area when it’s activated must defend against it as an area of effect ninjutsu attack, and those who fail are moved to the edge of its Area. If Kaiten is activated inside of a persistent AoE effect (such as a cloud, or water slick) with an area equal to or less than its own, Kaiten ends that effect.
This technique’s only true weakness is that it is ineffective if the user cannot spin: If you are suffering from a -5 or greater Immobilization Penalty, you may not utilize Kaiten.
Another offensive use of the Hyuuga’s ability to release chakra from his tenketsu. Here a force is created and directed against an opponent, or even against the espied weakness of some technique in order to dispel it, using the Byakugan’s ability to see chakra. In either case, the force created can easily send most opponents flying.
EffectS: If used in a grapple, make a grapple check against those grappling you, using your NDB in place of PDB; X is how much, if any, you fail the roll by. The grapple immediately ends, and you attack your grappler with Jyuuken at the same time (though it is defended against at its normal Speed, which can be reduced by AP, if you wish). If they take any damage from the attack, they’re knocked back CHA/15 yards away from you.
You can also use this Jutsu to end any effect which restrains you externally, from being tied up with ropes, to being trapped inside a Water Prison, or Immobilized by a Clay Bullet. If used against a Jutsu, X is that technique’s Upkeep (if it has one) or Immobilization penalty (if it has both, use the higher of the two). Otherwise, X is zero.
A devastating series of Jyuuken strikes carried out in rapid succession, sealing many of an opponent’s Tenketsu in the process. The strikes are made in increasing powers of two: two strikes, followed by another two, then four, then eight, then sixteen, then thirty-two, for a total of sixty-four strikes. The damage to internal organs and chakra flow is often so debilitating that the victim can no longer stand.
Effects: This attack uses your NDB and inflicts Sealed Tenketsu 3, reduces Blocking’s effectiveness by 25%, ignores armor, bypasses half of an opponent’s DR, and deals Energy wounds. This attack may not be converted with Jyuuken.
The ultimate and most lethal usage of Jyuuken, and the final development of Hakke Rokujuyon Shou. The Hyuuga’s speed and chakra control have reached truly amazing levels, adding a seventh series of strikes which doubles the number of strikes made from sixty-four to one hundred twenty-eight.
Effects: This attack uses your NDB and inflicts Sealed Tenketsu 4, reduces Blocking’s effectiveness by 25%, ignores armor, bypasses half of an opponent’s DR, and deals Energy wounds. This attack may not be converted with Jyuuken.
This is a Status Effect, applied on hit, that penalizes Chakra Exhaustion and Chakra Control rolls equal to its Severity, and half that (rounding down) to Stamina rolls. If you ever fail a Chakra Exhaustion roll while you have this status, whatever action you were trying to do fails (but you advance in Fatigue as normal), and you lose Hit Points (not Vitality) equal to the Chakra cost of that technique.
Sealed Tenketsu stacks partially with itself. If you already have the status applied, and are struck by another attack which it inflicts it, add half (rounded down) the lower severity to the higher; this is the new severity of your Sealed Tenketsu status. For example, if you were at 3, then hit by an attack which inflicted Sealed Tenketsu 5, your status would be (5 + 3/2) = (5 + 1) = 6. Another attack with ST 3 would, then, raise you to 7.
A victim’s body naturally will try to correct its chakra flow to meet demands in battle: Every time someone with this status takes the Rest action it reduces by 1, and when they advance in Fatigue, they lower their Sealed Tenketsu Severity by their (Chakra Control Ranks)/5, minimum 1. Outside of combat, Sealed Tenketsu is reduced by the same (Chakra Control Ranks)/5, minimum 1, every hour.
Inuzuka are highly spirited, highly loyal individuals, much like the ninken (ninja dogs) they fight alongside. Despite being one of the smaller clans in Konoha, their presence has long been valued by the village as a whole.
For decades they have contributed to the strength of Konoha’s scouting and tracking units, aided greatly by their ninken. Inuzuka medics often double as veterinarians, and many retire to work as vets or breeders once they’ve finished serving as proper ninja. Most Inuzuka, even if not permanently assigned to tracking squads, will be temporarily ‘borrowed’ to assist with missions where their skills will come in handy at some point in their career.
Physically, Inuzuka tend to be easily identifiable by the traditional red markings on their cheeks and slightly more fang-like canines. An Inuzuka is very rarely seen far from his or her ninken, even from childhood years. An Inuzuka’s dog is a friend, playmate, and ally in battle. Inuzuka train with their ninken starting even before their academy years, ultimately culminating in some of Konoha’s most physically destructive Taijutsu.
The Inuzuka are often characterized as blunt and rough around the edges, taking things from playful to what most others would consider hurtful. Nonetheless, they’re very protective of their teammates and typically mean well.
This technique is the signature fighting style of the Inuzuka, wherein they hunch down on all fours and bare their teeth. The more experienced the Inuzuka is with this technique, the more bestial they become, with some having elongated canines that become true fangs, spontaneously growing claws, and pupils that narrow and become slitted rather than rounded. Most impressively, the user’s reflexes, senses, and speed increase noticeably.
Effects: Your movement speed is increased by 10% and your current and maximum Rank in Enhanced Hearing and Blind Fighting abilities are increased by 1. Every time you damage someone with a Taijutsu attack while maintaining this technique, you temporarily shred any sort of DR they might have, reducing their DR (after the damage is resolved) by (3+AGI/30). Shredded DR can not be reduced below 0, and is restored at a rate of 1 per IC. However, due to being on all fours and your hands becoming more animalistic, all Seal Speeds are increased by 3.
The Inuzuka launches themselves forward toward an opponent while spinning at such rapid speeds that they almost appear to become an elongated vortex pointed toward their enemy. It can be extremely damaging if an opponent is caught unaware, as the rotation involved allows the Inuzuka to tear right through most defenses.
Effects: This technique’s Range is increased by how far you could move during the attack: That is, you always travel the maximum distance possible, though your target can be anywhere within that range to be a valid target for Tsuga. Movement speed increases (such as Shikyaku) modify this like normal to increase its total range. Despite the listed range, however, Tsuga is considered a melee attack, not a ranged attack.
This technique gains Accuracy, and loses damage, according to how close you are to your target when you attack: For every 20% of the listed Range you are within to your target (after calculating the final Range for this technique), you gain +1 Accuracy, but deal 5% less damage. (i.e., if you had a final Range of 30, and attacked someone with Tsuga who was 22 yards from you, they are below 80% of the technique’s maximum range, and thus you’d get +1 Acc and deal 95% normal damage; if you attacked someone within 6 yards of you with Tsuga with the same total Range, you’d gain +5 Acc but deal 25% less damage).
You apply only one-fourth of your PDB to this technique’s damage, however, you roll damage an additional time for every 3 points by which your Accuracy beats their Defense, to a maximum of three damage rolls if you beat their Defense by 6 or more. If someone elects to perform a defense which does not have a roll (such as Block, or using Earth Shore Return), or chooses not to defend, you perform the maximum amount of damage rolls. Each damage roll reduces Block’s effectiveness by 10% (Block would only reduce the damage by 40% on the second damage roll, and by 30% on the third damage roll). Partial Success does not apply to this attack, and you combine all damage rolls to determine any Wounds inflicted (and likewise, things which add to Wounding are applied only once, to the combined total).
For every time you and/or your Ninken utilize Tsuga consecutively (even if it misses!), its Speed and Stamina cost are reduced by 1, to a minimum of half their normal values. These benefits reset if you take any non-interrupt action besides Move, Tsuga, or Gatsuga, or if you go 20 IC or more without you or your ninken using Gatsuga or this technique.
Derived from the basic Henge, this technique transforms the ninken into the likeness of its owner, though the ninken will still behave like an animal in this form. However, together with the Shikyaku no Jutsu, the two become virtually indistinguishable.
Effects: This technique changes your ninken into an exact look alike of you. By default, you are considered Hidden Among Clones when you activate it, and while this jutsu is maintained you can perform the Hide Among Clones action listed under Bunshin (and your opponents can take the Observe action to distinguish you from your ninken, as well).
Anytime your Ninken is struck by an attack because of the clone miss chance it gives (to be hit instead of you), compare the damage it takes to your own wounding thresholds: If it would be enough to wound you, your Ninken suffers a Stun equal to 10 * Severity (Minor = 1, Major = 2, etc). Unlike regular Henge, which is broken upon taking damage, this technique is broken only when the ninken suffers a Stun of severity 20 or higher.
While your ninken remains transformed, they can perform the Tsuga jutsu on their own, and cooperate with you to perform Gatsuga.
Tsuga twice over. Both the Inuzuka and their transformed Ninken coordinate their movements to attack an enemy from multiple sides with Tsuga, to exploit any blindspot the opponent might have—or to make one, if needed, by forcing them to deal with two attacks coming in simultaneously.
Effects: This attack has two accuracies your target must defend against: One which you roll (as 1d20+Accuracy bonuses), and the other being your regular Taijutsu Accuracy TN. The higher of the two becomes the Accuracy that determines if your technique hits (and how many times it hits), while the lower increases this technique’s damage by +1d6 per point it beats your opponent’s Defense by, if any, to a maximum of an additional (STR/10)d6.
This jutsu functions otherwise like Tsuga for how you determine your movement (and how you must move the technique’s full Range), and any bonuses from consecutive uses of Tsuga apply to Gatsuga as well (and vice versa), and accordingly how you determine your bonus (if any) to Accuracy and penalty to Damage based on how far you are from your target. Like Tsuga, Partial Success does not apply to this attack, and you combine its damage rolls to determine what, if any, Wounds are inflicted, as well as increased Wounding benefits.
Gatsuga’s damage differs, however: You apply only one-fifth of your PDB to its damage, but roll damage an additional time for every two points you beat your opponent’s defense by, to a maximum of five damage rolls if you beat their Defense by 8. Like Tsuga, if your opponent elects to Defend in a way that does not have them roll, you make the maximum amount of damage rolls (but gain no extra d6’s from beating their defensive roll), and Block reduces this technique’s damage 5% less per damage roll (40% for the second, 30% for the third, etc).
This fearsome transformation technique combines shinobi and ninken into a massive two-headed version of their Ninken. While being in this form has its obvious benefits, this technique is most valued as an essential preparation for the Inuzuka’s most devastating form of Tsuga.
Effects: Your Ninken combines with you and may no longer take separate actions. You gain +3 to Accuracy, d20 rolls, PDB, and Stamina, and can use either your’s or the Ninken’s Awareness, Survival or Stealth whenever a roll is required, whichever is preferrable.
Your movement speed is increased by 25% and your current and maximum Rank in Enhanced Hearing and Blind Fighting abilities are increased by 4 while you maintain this jutsu, and every time you damage someone with a Taijutsu attack in this form, you temporarily shred any sort of DR they might have, reducing their DR (after the damage is resolved) by 7; their DR recovers at a rate of 1 per IC naturally.
While you maintain this form, you can not perform handseals, hold weapons, or Hide (because you are a huge, multi-headed beast). This technique automatically ends Shikyaku no Jutsu and Beast Human Clone if they were active when this technique was performed, and you can not activate either jutsu while you maintain this one. If you take a Major or higher Severity Wound, this jutsu automatically ends as you are forcibly separated from your Ninken, and you both suffer a Stun 5 * Severity of the Wound.
Tsuga, but in Sotoro form, where an Inuzuka’s speed (and tail!) can be used to devastating effect to create a truly deadly vortex of claws and teeth to tear apart whomever they come into contact with. The downside to this technique is that the Inuzuka is spinning so rapidly that they can potentially lose sight of their target, and rely upon their enhanced sense of smell to guide them.
Effects: When you use this attack, first make an opposed roll of your Survival vs their Stealth: If you succeed, you gain +1d12 damage per point you beat their Stealth by, to a maximum of (STR/10)d12 extra dice. If they succeed, they get +1 to their defensive roll per point they succeeded by (minimum 1, on a tie).
This attack functions otherwise like Tsuga for how you determine your movement (and how you must move the technique’s full Range), and accordingly how you determine your bonus (if any) to Accuracy and penalty to Damage based on how far you are from your target.
Garouga’s damage differs, however: You apply only one-fifth of your PDB to its damage, but roll damage an additional time for every point you beat your opponent’s defense by, to a maximum of ten damage rolls if you beat their Defense by 10. Like Tsuga, if your opponent elects to Defend in a way that does not have them roll, you make the maximum amount of damage rolls (but gain no extra damage from the opposed Skill roll), and Block reduces this technique’s damage 5% less per damage roll (45% for the second, 40% for the third, etc). Partial Success does not apply to this attack, and for Wounding purposes, you add up the damage you inflicted to them from all rolls to determine wounds, and deal three wounds (one Piercing, one Blunt, one Slashing) to them of one severity lower than normal, to a minimum of Minor.
Your ninken, or ninja dog (though some have wolves), is more than just an extra weapon in combat: it’s a living creature with its own capabilities. However, a ninken is only as good as its master, so its advancement is inextricably linked to yours: Your Ninken’s bonuses are determined by your XP.
Your Ninken has the following Skills of its own:
In other words, your ninken begins with Awareness, Stealth, and Survival at Rank 5, and gains +1 Rank in Awareness for every 300 XP you have, +1 in Stealth for every 400 XP you have, and +1 Survival for every 200 XP you have.
If you and your dog are travelling together, you may have your ninken roll a skill check alongside your own roll. This can only be done with skills the Ninken has Ranks in, and does not apply in combat.
When fighting with you, your Ninken acts on every increment of 20 (on IC 20, 40, 60, etc). It uses your attributes, and can do one of several things:
When using Jujin Bunshin, it can also perform Tsuga, though to do so requires you spend 8 AP. You can spend additional AP to reduce Tsuga’s speed for the Ninken’s attack, if you wish. When performing Tsuga, the Ninken Shreds (2+AGI/30) DR every time they damage someone.
Your Ninken does not need to dodge, and cannot be targeted or caught in an AoE. When an Inuzuka is dealt a Wound, the Ninken freezes and takes a Stun 10 per Severity of the wound (Stun 10 for Minor, Stun 20 for Major, etc), during which time the Ninken can not take actions (losing its chance to act if Stunned on an IC increment of 20, and preventing you from performing Gatsuga). The Severity is considered one tier higher from an Area of Effect attack (so a Minor Wound from an AoE is a Stun 20 on the Ninken). A Critical Wound from an AoE attack will knock out the Ninken for the duration of the combat.
When fighting alone, your Ninken acts on its own Initiative, using your stats as detailed above, though it has a -6 to its Dodge and if it’s hit once, it’s knocked out.
These are ways you can train your Ninken to excel! Your Ninken gains one from the list below for every 500 XP you have; you may not take an ability more than once unless the Ability says so.
A modestly-sized yet highly influential clan within Konoha, the Nara primarily use secret ninjutsu techniques which manipulate shadows, using them to disable opponents and control the battlefield.
What they’re truly known for, however, is their many medical advances. While the clan produces few talented medical nin, a disproportionate number of the advances in theory and actual, physical medicines and treatments seem to come from the Nara. The pills used by the Akimichi clan are just one example of the Nara’s medical breakthroughs.
The Akimichi, Nara, and Yamanaka clan have always enjoyed a special relationship with one another, often working in teams and as allies; that bond stands at the heart of Leaf village, and is often looked to by other shinobi as an example of Konoha’s unity.
The Nara extends their shadow and links it to another person (or their shadow) and links themselves to a target, which gives the Nara total control over their target’s movement and actions for as long as the connection can be maintained. The control requires a lot of chakra, however, and targets can eventually break free with sustained resistance.
Effects: Y is the number of times you’ve previously used this jutsu in the present battle. You gain control over your target’s actions, and while you maintain this jutsu’s Upkeep, they can take no action which requires physical movement or control of their own body (including, and up to, being unable to Rest), save for talking; however, your target can try to resist your control.
While caught, the following effects apply:
By infusing a weapon with their Chakra before throwing it, a Nara can take control of the weapon’s shadow and manipulate it from a distance, allowing them to attach the weapon’s shadow to an enemy’s, who is then anchored to the weapon. While not very useful in melee, it makes for excellent battlefield control that can turn a failed attack into a window of opportunity.
Effects: This jutsu can be used as interrupt in response to missing with a thrown ranged weapon attack (or multi-throw); compare your Ninjutsu Accuracy with a +4 bonus against the defense that you just missed. If you then hit, you deal no damage or effects based on the original attack (you still missed), but you apply a -2 Immobilization Penalty to your intended target as you attach the thrown weapon’s shadow to theirs.
They are then anchored to the thrown weapon (which is assumed to have landed at their feet), and to free themselves (and end the Immobilization) they must wrestle free as a Speed 6 action, rolling a Grapple Check (as the defender) against you (as the attacker), with you using your NDB in place of PDB, with a bonus to your NDB of however much you hit by. They take a penalty to their grapple roll equal to the Immobility penalty from this technique. A successful grapple check by someone anchored by this technique completely clears their Immobility penalty. Alternatively, they can just move far enough away from the anchor point that the shadow breaks, reducing the penalty by 1 every ten yards away from the anchor point they move.
If used on a target already anchored by this jutsu’s effect, you can choose to make use of it on someone even if you hit them with a thrown ranged weapon attack, and the Immobility Penalty stacks with itself, to a maximum of -6.
Using the Nara’s connection to someone else’s shadow, they use their shadow control to expand a tendril of shadow up to a target’s neck, typically taking the shape of actual hands and fingers, to strangle and injure someone they have caught.
Effects: This technique does not require an Accuracy roll, and its target does not get any defense against it, nor does it provoke a free escape roll from Kagemane. Consecutive use of this Jutsu (i.e., taking no non-interrupt actions between uses) reduces its Chakra Cost and Speed by 1, to a minimum of Chakra 10 and Speed 7.
Each time you use this Jutsu, roll 1d100+CHA/4+Any % bonuses to Wounds you might have as a flat addition. (i.e., Killer’s +20% wounding would turn into a flat +20 to the roll). Rolling higher than 100 inflicts a Minor Blunt Head Wound; Higher than 200 a Major Blunt Head Wound/etc. You get a +10 to the roll for each consecutive use after the first.
Every consecutive use of this jutsu (With no other non-interrupt actions between uses), you gain 10% of the previous roll(s) added to your roll, to a minimum of +10 per consecutive use. (e.g., If you rolled 89 the first usage, you inflict no wound; you would add +10 to your second roll from the minimum 10. If you then got 159, your third Shadow-Neck Bind would have 10+15 = 25 added to its roll.)
Alternatively to attempting to wound someone with this jutsu, you can simply apply Suffocation 1 to your target each time it is used; the Suffocation applied from this technique does not end until Kagemane does.
Take the Hit can not be used against this attack.
Experienced Nara learn how to separate their Shadow into multiple different sections when they use Kagemane no Jutsu, allowing them to grab onto, and control, multiple people at once. While this makes the jutsu more exhausting, it also makes it exponentially more powerful.
Effects: You can target one additional person per Rank when you use Kagemane no Jutsu and Kage-Kubishibari no Jutsu. Every person beyond the first you target adds 5 to the Chakra cost and 1 to the Upkeep, as relevant.
The Nara materializes shadows into several thin, needle-tipped tendrils and attacks someone with them to physically damage and bind them simultaneously, creating a versatile offense that isn’t as predictable against a wary opponent who simply keeps track of the Nara’s shadow.
Effects: X has a maximum of 6. This technique deals Piercing damage. You may use Kagemane on anyone affected by your own Shadow Sewing’s Immobilization Penalty, ending said penalty and automatically gaining control of them via Kagemane, without requiring an Accuracy or allowing a defensive interrupt response, though you still pay Kagemane’s cost and take its Upkeep, and taking control of someone this way counts as a ‘use’ in determining Kagemane’s Chakra cost and how easy it is to break out of.
While similar in concept to Shadow Sewing, as the Nara is materializing shadows in typically the same thin, needle-tipped manner, this jutsu allows for much more precise control from the Nara and accordingly is more difficult to perform, allowing for such things as slipping their shadow tendrils through keyholes, with enough strength to pick up and manipulate objects on the battlefield.
Effect: You can use your shadow tendrils to grab onto things (or people) or attack, in the following ways, for as long as you maintain this Upkeep:
You pay 1 AP for every 2 Speed of the action you wish your Shadows to make, and can pay more AP to reduce the effective Speed of their action further if you wish, but do not have to pay any fatigue costs associated with any action your shadow tendrils take. You may use any one of the above options at most once every 10 IC. You use your NDB in place of PDB for damage and for grapple checks, with grapple checks receiving an additional +4. You use CHA in place of STR or RES wherever appropriate otherwise. Your shadow tendrils are considered to have unlimited limbs for Grapples.
Once known as the Senju Clan of the Forest, and allegedly descended from the Sage of Six Paths, founder of ninjutsu, himself, the history of the Senju clan is the history of Konoha. They founded the village, the First, Second, and Fifth Hokages were all members of descendants of the clan, and it’s said the First Hokage used his Senju bloodline to create the very village itself. Their name, meaning Thousand Hands, came from their peerless talents in all aspects of ninja skills: if there was every a ‘greatest clan’ of ninja, it was them. They’re also virtually extinct. The clan itself died out generations ago. Of the perhaps dozen people alive who actually were born with the Senju name, almost none of them actually manifest their clan’s abilities. The bloodline is as persistent and hardy as the forests it symbolizes, though. In every generation, a handful of ninja will be born who exhibit the traits of the Senju bloodline, and inevitably their lineage will be traced a Senju ancestor, sometimes more than a century distant. Some even unofficially take the Senju name out of respect.
Senju begin with 1 less Unique Point.
Senju begin with Elemental Aptitude for Water and Earth, along with the first rank of Elemental Affinity: Mokuton, which includes Suiton and Doton.
The Senju bloodline, once famed for their limitless talents, have fallen far, but one trait remains–or, rather, it’s the only one that can be recognized as a sign of Senju heritage. That is Mokuton, combining Water and Earth natured chakra to produce wood-related jutsu. It should be noted that this is wood, specifically, and to a lesser extent, trees–they don’t have (despite what legends claim) plant empathy, the ability to restore life to wilting flowers, or anything similar.
Any Suiton or Doton technique can be converted to Mokuton as a Chakra +5, Speed +0 link, with the following changes:
Mokuton is weak to Raiton, but strong against Doton and Katon.
This technique takes advantage of mokuton’s ability to accelerate plant growth by converting some of the user’s cells into, essentially, plant matter; the wood clone physically buds off the user before taking on their appearance.
Effects: These function like regular bunshin, but have CHA*2 HP, and your attributes. They do not suffer wounds and you may only ever have up to three at once in existence. They may dodge, parry, and perform any other action you normally could, by spending 1 AP per 2 Speed of that action; however, after reaching Fatigue 3 they decay into lifeless wood pulp and fall apart. Wood clones may not take actions with a chakra or stamina cost greater than 18+(RES for Taijutsu, or CHA for Ninjutsu or Genjutsu)/10.
Wood clones have your mind, and can act independently. You are aware of their location, and they yours, though your senses are not linked. You may reabsorb a ‘living’ wood clone by touching it, in which case you ‘download’ all its memories.
After completing the handseals, you place your hands on the ground and channel your chakra beneath your target, where it bursts from the ground as timbers which grow rapidly and form a wooden, usually cubic, prism. The timbers used in this technique are heavily infused with chakra, making them very resilient.
Effects: This is the Mokuton ‘version’ of the Water Prison and/or Water Drowning techniques, which cannot be directly converted into Mokuton themselves.
It creates a wooden cage around anyone who can’t escape its area, which has 200+(damage bonus)*15 HP, and reduces all damage it takes by your CHA. People inside cannot attack people outside, and vice versa.
This technique uses chakra to cause trees and tree roots to grow rapidly, bursting from any surface. It’s too unrefined to be used as a direct method of offense, but can be useful for altering the landscape of a battlefield.
Effects: This overwrites any ground effects on the area it’s used on. By changing the cost to 5 + X*2, it can be used to create a one-story building. The complexity of this building is determined by your Chakra Control.
At 10 Chakra Control or less, it’s more like a crude bundle of tree trunks and branches that will at least keep most of the rain out. From 11 - 20, it’s about as well-built as a log cabin, with up to three rooms. At 21 - 30, it could actually pass for a real building, aside from the lack of anything made of metal. At 31+ Chakra Control, you can add a second story to the building.
The Uchiha clan once had a proud history, as one of the greatest shinobi clans the world knew before the advent of ninja villages. Unfortunately, by the present the only widely-known aspect of their heritage is that they produced three of the greatest traitors in ninja history: Uchiha Madara, Itachi, and Sasuke.
Perhaps it’s for the best, then, that the clan was effectively eradicated a hundred years ago–most of the stigma was left behind, buried with their corpses.
Konoha has spared no effort in trying to revive the Uchiha clan, and has been, surprisingly, successful. Special Jounin were assigned the sole task of tracking down people with Uchiha ancestry–second cousins, someone whose grandfather had married out of the clan, illegitimate children–and encouraging them to reproduce with one another; either through marriage, or emotionless affairs.
It worked, though it took a few generations. Any child who manifested the Sharingan was offered the Uchiha name, along with their entire immediate family. These new Uchiha were encouraged to take pride in their bloodline, and in the fact that they were resurrecting it. The village offered a multitude of incentives, did its best to discourage the stigma of shinobi who were essentially volunteering to be breeding stock, and even constructed the budding clan its own compound–not to isolate them, but to help them feel special. Despite some muttered protests throughout the village, they were even reinstated as one of Konoha’s four noble clans.
Some shinobi are resentful of the perceived special treatment the Uchiha receive; others take it in stride, accepting that it’s in the village’s best interest to revitalize one of its most powerful bloodlines. Admittedly, the Uchiha clan–now almost large enough to actually be considered one, though most of its members haven’t, and never will, manifested its traits–has yet to live up to its legendary prowess; it’s claimed that in the past, all an Uchiha had to do was make eye contact to force a foe to commit suicide. Whether or not they ever shall reclaim their feared and honored status remains to be seen.
Uchiha begin with 1 less Unique Point.
Outside of their normal training, all members of the Uchiha clan are taught how to use Katon ninjutsu while growing up. Accordingly, they start with the Elemental Aptitude ability for Fire, for free.
Sharingan is a doujutsu, or ‘eye technique’; when it manifests, the user’s irises turn red, and a tomoe (essentially a comma-shaped mark) appears in the iris, like a second pupil. Another tomoe appears in each eye at the second and third stages, for a maximum of three.
The Sharingan’s greatest weakness is that it is dependent upon unimpeded visibility: None of the abilities provided by it may be used when you’re at a Visibility Penalty of -6 or greater.
Unfortunately for the Uchiha, they are not inherently able to access this power. Rather, in times of need—generally when under severe combat-related stress—the doujutsu will activate itself. This is GM-regulated; you’ll be informed if this takes place. When it does, your Sharingan immediately activates at the stage above the highest you’ve achieved, and from then on you may activate that stage at will.
PC Uchiha are considered better than your average Uchiha and begin with Stage 1 unlocked at creation. Unfortunately, to unlock its higher stages requires training and persistence. A shinobi can unlock the Sharingan’s higher stages without the need for external stimulus, though it can take a while. At 1000, and 2000 XP you automatically gain access to the Second, and Third Stage Sharingan, respectively, if you haven’t already. Legends speak of a fourth, higher stage, but no one in recent memory has obtained it.
Activating Sharingan is a Speed 0 action, which can be performed by itself, or alongside another technique or Interrupt, and it has an Upkeep of 2. You can activate Sharingan when rolling Initiative with the Preparation ability.
Techniques unlocked at the various Sharingan levels (detailed in their respective Stage section, below) can be acquired automatically, as soon as you unlock the Stage that grants them. They have no rank or skill requirements to learn, and you can go into ‘XP debt’ by acquiring them, though all XP you earn goes to paying the costs of such techniques before you can spend XP on anything else until they’re paid for.
At the first stage, you are able to acquire the Dousatsugan and Saimingan techniques. Both are learned as D-rank jutsu.
The second stage adds a second tomoe to each eye, and is when the bulk of the doujutsu’s power begins to manifest. Their ability to copy techniques and actions becomes refined, to the level of being able to extrapolate from fine details and mimic even small mannerisms.
You may obtain Yogengan and Shouningan. Both are learned as C-rank jutsu. You also gain a +1 to all Skill rolls while Sharingan is active.
The final tomoe appears at this stage, with the trio forming a ring halfway between the pupil and the rim of the iris, equidistant from one another. Upon reaching this stage, you can copy any Genjutsu used upon you by another Uchiha with their Eye of Hypnotism power, despite its lack of handseals (again, assuming you meet the proper requirements).
You may obtain Magen: Kyouten Chiten and Senchigan. Both are learned as B-rank techniques. Finally, your bonus to Skill rolls while Sharingan is active increases to +2.
Requires: Stage 1 Sharingan
You can see the flow of chakra. This gives you a +4 bonus to defense rolls against genjutsu. More impressively, it allows you to copy any taijutsu technique you witness being performed, along with any ninjutsu or genjutsu which use handseals.
This technique’s greatest limitation is its user. You must meet all skill requirements for the technique, and can’t copy elemental ninjutsu you don’t have the appropriate Elemental Aptitude for; Sealing and Medical techniques both require access to those types of jutsu in order for you to copy them.
This does have one advantage over learning techniques the “old-fashioned” way: you can copy techniques one rank above what you could normally learn (which may vary by category).
You automatically learn any valid techniques you see, and can use them for the remainder of the day. To keep them permanently, you must the normal XP cost to learn the technique in question. You may go into ‘XP debt’ learning techniques this way, but you can only have one jutsu learned via XP debt at a time, and must pay it off before spending XP on anything else.
You may not copy custom or clan jutsu, as those are tailored too specifically to either the individual or the clan in question.
Requires: Stage 1 Sharingan
You may perform Genjutsu without handseals; however, this requires direct eye contact, meaning it can’t be used from hiding, must be targeting a person (rather than area), and can be avoided entirely if they simply shut their eyes (which brings its own penalties) or never look directly at your eyes (which can be done by just, say, staring at your, or their, feet, and affects them with a -4 Visibility Penalty).
Requires: Stage 2 Sharingan
Once per Fatigue level, you may declare use of this technique alongside a defensive interrupt requiring a roll. It allows you to “take 10” on any defensive roll; rather than rolling 1d20, you treat it as if your result had been a 10.
You may also declare your action as ‘Observe’, a Variable Speed Action similar to blocking, in that for its duration, when attacked you may choose to activate Yogengan against any attack directed against you (and not have it count as your one use for that Fatigue level).
Notably, this does not work with spending Willpower, which overrides (and does not combine with) this effect.
Requires: Stage 2 Sharingan
For starters, you can read lips. This is not some kind of ultra undetectable super-long-range spying technique; you have to actually have a clear view of the person’s lips, and it’s sorta conspicuous; though you can make an opposed Espionage roll to avoid them noticing, if you’re trying to hide the fact that you’re staring at their face.
You can also copy a person’s handwriting just by seeing them write a single sentence. You can speed-read, and have a photographic memory. This has other uses, such as being able to tell how to pick a given lock by watching one person do it, or how to open a combination lock (though not necessarily the combination itself) by watching the movements of someone’s arms or hands as they do it.
A form of illusion reversal, in which a Sharingan user simultaneously sees through and decrypts a Genjutsu technique, and then instantly reflects it upon its original user. Some Uchiha will go so far as to claim that this technique makes them immune to Genjutsu, and they’re… not too far from the truth.
Effects: This may be used immediately after passing a Genjutsu Defense against a Genjutsu targeting you. You immediately perform that Genjutsu on its original user (paying its normal Chakra cost) via your Eye of Hypnotism, using your Genjutsu Defense roll as its new Accuracy. X is equal to speed of the Genjutsu you are performing. This can only be used on Genjutsu which you know (though copying them as they’re performed, and then reflecting them, is fair game).
Requires: Stage 3 Sharingan
It was once claimed, and rarely still is, that the Sharingan genuinely allows its wielder to see the future. What it actually does is pick up on minute changes in an opponent’s posture, minor eye movements, slight shifts of their weight, muscles tensing or relaxing in preparation for movement, even chakra building up in preparation for a jutsu.
When you declare the use of this ability, declare a category of technique (such as Weapon Taijutsu, Katon, or Combo Taijutsu) and a Speed, and pick a single target. Your opponent then declares and rolls (if applicable) their defense. Any Interrupt may be used that’s valid against your declared Speed.
After seeing this result, you may choose to use any technique of the declared type, with a combined (Seal Speed + Speed) equal to or lesser than your declared Speed. Its damage is based on its normal Speed, but its ability to be Interrupted, and when you take your next action, are based on the declared Speed. If your chosen technique would hit someone else (an ally within range of an AoE aimed at your original target, for example), then they can defend against it normally (after the original target has rolled, and after the Uchiha then declares their chosen attack). Any technique used this way has its Stamina or Chakra cost(s) increased by the Rank of the technique you choose to perform (E = 1, D = 2, etc); Basic Attacks are equivalent to D-Rank.
If you choose to use a technique against which their reaction is invalid (such as performing Doton: Domu after they had rolled a 20 on their Suiton: Sujinheki), they do not have to pay the chakra costs or Speed of their Interrupt. On the other hand, using a technique that somehow bypasses their defense (such as Retsudotensho against Kazekame Kaigara no Jutsu) is fair game.
Techniques with a Delay can be used normally after declaring Foresight, but Foresight does not prevent or negate the Delay, meaning in all cases their defensive response would be invalid (because of the Delay itself), and Foresight would not benefit the action any further after the Delay is finished and the action resolves (though it would still incerease its Fatigue cost(s)). Techniques with a final Seal Speed greater than the rank of the jutsu used with it (E = 1, D = 2, etc) that you use Foresight with prevent you from using Principle of Motion (or effects which act like it, such as Tactician) to reduce when you next act, until your next non-interrupt action.
A fairly small clan within Konoha, the Yamanaka are highly prized by the village’s Recon and Investigation divisions. In part this is due to the disproportionate number of Yamanaka who happen to be sensor shinobi, and in part it’s thanks to the special type of ninjutsu the Yamana have developed that allows them to directly affect the minds of others, including seizing control of another person’s body.
Members of the Yamanaka clan enjoy close relations with their Nara and Akimichi contemporaries. There is even a monument in Konoha dedicated to the alliance between the three clans. To this day, no foe or circumstance has managed to strain that bond.
A recent creation by the Yamanaka that has since become a staple of its Genin, this was developed because their secret techniques, despite their seemingly subtle nature, are quite overt and obvious to anyone under their effects. This technique allows the Yamanaka to see through the eyes of their target; as it lacks any visual cues, victims are typically left completely unaware it’s been used.
Effects: Your consciousness hitches a ride in your target’s body, allowing you to experience everything the target does, as the target does with their own senses. This does not break Yamanaka Clan Telepathy, but you can not use it (or any other technique) while maintaining this technique. Your body is helpless while you maintain the Upkeep, but you are aware if it’s disturbed (shaken, stabbed, and so forth), though you can not actually hear if someone is talking to you next to your body until you return to it (by ending this technique).
A subtle but invaluable technique of the Yamanaka that allows them to touch a person’s head and establish a telepathic link with them that they, and others the Yamanaka repeats the process on, can use to communicate. It has virtually limitless tactical applications, much to the ire of Chuunin Exam Proctors the world over.
Effects: This requires you to touch your target’s head; thereafter, they are part of your telepathic network. All people who you’ve brought in can talk to you, and one another, mentally. You can have up to CHA/20 people linked this way, not counting yourself.
You can remove someone from this link, and they can remove themselves, at will. It has a maximum range of CHA*10 yards.
If two Yamanaka link, their limits of people are combined, though each Yamanaka counts as one person towards the total limit. The distance limits are also pooled; as long as someone is within range of any of the linked Yamanaka, they can remain part of the network.
The signature ability of the Yamanaka, this jutsu allows them to send their consciousness into a target’s body, seizing control of it and keeping their target, essentially, along for the ride. They’re aware of what’s going on, but unable to take any sort of action.
Effects: If you hit, the target suffers a Stun 20, and you gain control of the target’s body (but not any allies, or clones, of which they continue to control). Your own body is rendered comatose, prone (as per the E-Rank Taijutsu, Trip) and helpless, but you control your target’s actions.
You may decide what non-interrupt actions they perform and what words they speak. They are still the ones performing the action, and use their attributes, abilities, et cetera. You may have them perform any jutsu you know, even if they lack the requirements to perform it, however elemental ninjutsu require the appropriate Aptitude to utilize (as you are using their abilities), and you use their Affinity instead of your own. You may only take actions with a final Stamina and/or Chakra Exhaustion cost of 15 + (your Chakra Control Ranks)/5 or less, including all links and modifiers. If an action requires an item or other physical component (such as a weapon) then they must have that item, not you. If an action has a cost other than a Chakra Cost, Stamina Cost, or physical object, then you pay that cost, not the target (i.e. willpower cost, fatigue levels, AP). Finally, you can not utilize the Eight Gates, Kage Bunshin, Summoning Contracts, or Natural Chakra while inside someone else’s body, to cause them to use any such talents; any of those talents you had open or were using before the possession, however, you can continue to use as normal. The target is otherwise still considered to be the one performing the action.
When the victim’s life is threatened, survival instinct kicks in to override the Yamanaka’s control: Anytime someone you possess is attacked, the victim may decide their own interrupt response, although if they opt to not defend against an attack, you may declare a defense on their behalf. The victim can’t be made to take actions that bring themselves physical harm, such as jumping off a cliff, drinking poison, attacking oneself, or activating any of the eight gates. Because their psyches are connected, this is based on the Yamanaka’s knowledge as well as the victim’s. You suffer any damage, wounds, and fatigue level advancements the target suffers while possessing them.
While possessed, the victim is aware of what their body is doing and is effectively a powerless bystander. They may communicate with the Yamanaka and engage in a battle of wills. Once per hour out of combat, the victim may make a Genjutsu Defense roll against the Yamanaka’s Genjutsu Offense. On a success, the Yamanaka is ejected from the body and wakes up in their own body 20 IC later (remaining helpless until that time). An additional test is made every time the Yamanaka would force them to physically harm an ally or loved one, when the target’s body suffers a Wound, and when they advance a fatigue level. Finally, the victim may spend a point of Willpower as a Speed 0 interrupt to make another Genjutsu Defense roll that, even if it fails, still cancels the action it interrupted (no costs are paid, and their IC does not advance), and inflicts a Stun 10 on both themselves and the Yamanaka.
You gain a +5 bonus to your Genjutsu Offense rolls to maintain control of the target, but every time someone makes a Genjutsu Roll to try and escape from Shintenshin, Shinranshin, or Shinten Bunshin, they gain a cumulative +1 to all future Genjutsu Defense rolls to break free from any of those jutsu. The bonus does not go away until they’ve gone 24 hours without making such a roll.
This technique may never be performed by clones, nor may it be used to possess a clone: Successfully hitting a clone with this technique immediately destroys it.
You do not need to meet the normal skill or rank requirements for this technique. This technique’s normal Accuracy penalty is instead a bonus to Accuracy if your target is Stunned, or unable to move (such as by a -10 Immobilization penalty, or Kagemane). If you miss with it, however, you receive a Stun 20, though you are not helpless; you’re still in control of your body, just disoriented.
A more powerful version of Shintenshin, this variant allows the Yamanaka to seize control of a victim’s body without abandoning their own. The control’s not complete, as a possessed person can still talk, shout a warning and so forth, but they can’t control their actions otherwise.
Effects: You gain control of the victim’s body, controlling them as per Shintenshin (above). Unlike Mind Body Switch, your body does not become comatose and you do not receive any damage, wounds, or fatigue from this control. However, you have to spend AP equal to half the Speed of the action you force them to perform in combat (rounding up).
In place of the normal once per hour Genjutsu Defense roll to break free, victims get a roll every 10 IC in combat, and once per minute outside of combat. The cumulative penalty to retain control of someone is shared between this technique, Mind Body Switch, and Mind Clone Switch.
The final form of Shintenshin no Jutsu, this technique allows the Yamanaka to clone their own consciousness and transfer it into multiple targets at once, gaining complete control over all of them. Beyond the obvious tactical advantages, this allows for unprecedented coordination between the two bodies, as they share a single mind.
Effects: This functions as Mind Body Switch, except that you may target up to X people, and it does not have Shintenshin’s Accuracy penalty (though it can gain its normal Accuracy bonus). X has a maximum of CHA/40. So long as you successfully hit one person, you are rendered unconcious, as described in Shintenshin.
Unlike Mind Body Switch, you do not take damage or fatigue levels immediately: Instead, when this jutsu ends (either because you ended the upkeep or all targets have broken free) you take the highest amount of damage all targets took while under the effect and gain Fatigue Levels equal to the highest number of Fatigue Levels gained by the targets while affected by this jutsu.
Unfortunately, this jutsu does nothing to mitigate your sympathetic trauma. All wounds gained by each target are applied to your body immediately, just as with Shintenshin.
The cumulative penalty to retain control of someone else is shared between Mind Body Switch, Mind Body Disturbance, and this technique.