This version of Naruto World’s PHB is a months-long endeavor to identify long-standing problems, assess year’s worth of revisions, and to pinpoint fundamentals of the game’s logic to create a better play experience without adversing affecting build variety, in-combat choices, and overall game balance. It is not by any means perfect, but I can promise it is a thorough revision of the rules that incorporates new ideas while trying to fix the peculiarities of old ones that never quite worked out, and while it is most assuredly a version of the game through my eyes, I’ve privately reached out to many people before this public release to get initial feedback and identify any problems they could find that I overlooked. To that end, while my documentation of the game’s systems is thorough (from damage sheet breakdowns to XP breakpoints and average accuracy/dodge/parry values), I did not ever stop to bother and create a comprehensive update log from the prior version, and so for this first update log I’m going to have to do something that I personally dislike and will enedeavor to never repeat: There is no update log documenting changes.

Suffice it to say I’ve changed a lot of things and the best way to ascertain what’s different is to pull up whichever prior version of NW you prefer (4.0 and 3.0 are both circulating at this point) and compare them to determine what’s changed if you read something and aren’t sure if it’s different or not, though the short answer is a simple ‘yes’ in most cases. Going forward I will document further updates (Which I hope to have to do minimally, but best laid plans of mice and men) in a manner more respective of OpenRPG’s old updates listings. Thank you in advance for being understanding when it comes to my poor documentation here.