
  • Kairaishi’s Kugutsu technique actually has a finite range now.
  • Hyuuga’s Kaiten can no longer have its final Speed reduced below its base Speed, and lost its ability to utilize values of X that go over the standard defensive interrupt limit (of half the speed ofan attack or less).
  • Hyuuga’s Sealed Tenketsu now lists how it reduces outside of combat.
  • Hyuuga’s two finishers lost their requirement to have a Jyuuken combo going, and also had it added that you can not convert them with Jyuuken: they are already gaining all the benefits of being converted that they are eligible to receive.
  • Monkasei’s Purification clarified that it has a minimum of X = 1.
  • Nara’s Shadow Endgame jutsu had it added that it’s considered to have unlimited limbs for its grapples.
  • Uchiha had it clarified that you do, in fact, have to pay the cost to learn a jutsu at the time you see it copied, if you wish to learn it permanently.


  • Restrained regained its old text that clarified that lowering the wound severity of an attack with it does not prevent it from ending any Genjutsu the user is suffering from.
  • Added to Knockback that you are not affected by ground-based effects you are knocked back across (though you are by where you end up).


  • Added to Stealth level 1 that you can dodge in it, and clarified that it functions the same as moving does in Stealth (dodging in Stealth level 2 or 3 will drop your Stealth level to 1).


  • Burning Star Shuriken (C-rank Weapon Taijutsu) was modified to fall in line with updated Tag rules, no longer detonating them instantly.
  • Throw (D-Rank Grapple jutsu) now lets you actually, uh, throw people away from you, up to STR/20 yards, as a knockback effect.


  • Attached Meteor was made into a grapple roll (it feels like it should’ve always been one, really), with the person caught as the defender, and the attacker replacing STR/10 with CHA/10.
  • Rune Inscribing (B-rank Sealing Jutsu) was clarified in how Upkeeps, and Jutsu with a range or effect of ‘self’, function with it.
  • Influence Seal (A-Rank Sealing Jutsu) was made to be an interrupt in how you prevent someone affected by it from acting (it sort of always worked like one, but was never said to be one), had its Speed reduced to 4 and its cost reverted to its older version at 10 + X. Also clarified that the bonus you get to resist it is reset after it is forced into remission and made usable again.
  • Twin Rising Dragons (D-Rank Sealing Jutsu) had a Scroll added as a requirement, which is used up by its use.
  • Rejuvenating Remedy (B-Rank Medical Ninjutsu) is now allowed to be used on yourself, but had its ability to remove secondary effects of poisons removed.
  • Delicate Illness Extraction Technique (B-Rank Medical Ninjutsu) is now allowed to be used on yourself.
  • Hidden in Water (C-rank Suiton) had its requirement clarified to be a pool of water of a certain size, and added to the situations in which you’d be ejected from it.
  • Water Clone Technique (C-rank Suiton) had their ability to dodge and parry readded: They were removed by mistake when updating Clone rules.
  • Crossroads of Heaven (B-Rank Fuuton) now states that it takes the offensive roll penalty from Fatigue, for clarity.
  • Smokescreen (E-rank Katon) had its area moved from Effects to its statistics listing.
  • Remote Detonation (D-Rank General Ninjutsu) had its range increased to 15 + CHA/10, and clarified that the Tags detonated have their normal Delay.
  • Long-Range Detonation (B-Rank General Ninjutsu) had its range increased to 15 + CHA/2.


  • Exploding Tags had their explanation updated and hopefully made more thorough: their ‘countdown’ is now officially a Delay (which can not be Aborted, and may have its Speed reduced below its Delay), they were given rules for their Accuracy and effective rank and type for various defenses, and clarified in the Speed at which they’re considered for defenses. They are also, officially, not able to be destroyed once they begin their detonation.
  • Kusari Katabira will only be repaired by the village if it was acquired with Requisition (villages have never replaced or repaired items bought with Savings).
  • Flak Vests no longer state “damage reduction” to better separate it from actual Damage Reduction.


  • The maximum Fatigue bonus from Combat has been reduced to 4, from 5.
  • The XP bonus from being wounded in Combat was changed to be based off of the highest Severity wound you received, rather than a bonus per wound based on its Severity.
  • As a reminder: Intentionally slow-rolling posts, or deliberately fatiguing or not bothering to defend against attacks to receive wounds just to maximize your XP earned, is highly frowned upon.


  • Kage Bunshin specifies that its 1 Fatigue or Willpower cost is per clone.