With this update marks ten updates! And no, I am not making it 3.2 because the last was 3.1.9 (that’s not how that works), but rather because I feel Tags are a meaningful update enough to warrant it; it’s one of few major updates I intended to do eventually but didn’t launch with, so expect to remain on 3.2 for some time.

But nevermind all that: The important part is that I appreciate you all sticking with me through these updates, and accordingly, all characters made prior to this update get 10 XP! It can be listed as a GM Award with today’s date (3/24/2024) as a thank you for sticking with me through the weekly updates and helping test things to make the game better.


  • Yamanaka’s Mind Body Transmission jutsu had its range re-added to it, along with allowing it to pool its limitations for range and participants.
  • Inuzuka’s Four Legs Technique had its base DR reduction increased by 1.
  • Inuzuka’s Tsuga had its cost reduced to Stamina 16, and now combines its damage rolls when determining Wounds.
  • Inuzuka’s Gatsuga also notes it combines the damage rolls when determining wounds.
  • Akimichi’s Human Bullet Tank once more allows Akimichi to ignore Stuns of Baika’s X or less while Rolling.
  • Monkasei were overhauled! .. Again! They again use Doton and Fuuton, rather than Raiton; their effects were changed so that Charge is a passive buff (rather than one you track) based off of your current Upkeep penalties, and coordinates off of tags, which are readded with this update. The one person playing one can contact me for respec details.
  • Hyuuga’s Sealed Tenketsu status effect can be reduced by one by taking the Rest action.
  • Hyuuga’s Empty Palm converts its linked action into a Ranged Ninjutsu Projectile for the purposes of defending against it.


  • Chakra Sensor’s ability to roll Chakra Control in place of Awareness to find someone now negates the normal bonus from Stealth level they would receive; Scan is now an opposed Chakra Control roll.


  • Monkey Grip no longer references a +50% PDB erroneously.


  • All Elemental Ninjutsu (and a spattering of Genjutsu) have tags now for Projectile, Ground-based effects (as simply ‘Ground’), contact effects (as simply ‘Contact’), Melee for those few which are, Area of Effect, and damage type for ease of seeing what type of Wounds an attack inflicts. More tags may be added in the future on an as-needed basis.
  • Jutsu Rules, accordingly, got a bit of a switcharoo of its listings: Tags are a new category, listed directly below Reader’s Guide, detailing Tags as they exist presently.
  • ‘Created Weapons, Enhanced Attacks, and you!’ has been renamed to ‘Nintaijutsu’, corresponding to the new Tag, to refer to.. Ninjutsu which enhance Taijutsu, as their name implies, and moved under the ‘Tag’ Category.
  • ‘Bunshin’ rules were moved to the ‘Clone’ tag, and now exist under the ‘Tag’ Category.
  • Morning Glow and Cleansing Wind notably only work against Environmental-tagged Visibility Penalties.


  • Headbutt can be used regardless of whether you have any arm(s) free.
  • Upwards Attacking Palm (C-rank Unarmed) is now explicit with it being usable in a grapple, though it always had special rules indicating as much.
  • Issen (C-rank Weapon) had its effects reworded slightly, and gained the Projectile tag; it also now functions as its element from any weapon created by elemental ninjutsu, in addition to Chakra Flow.


  • Rock Thrust (E-Rank Doton) Had its base Speed increased by 2, and its base damage increased by 2d10.
  • Tremorsense (E-rank Doton) had duplicate (and old) text in its entry that hadn’t been properly removed; it is a Chakra Control roll replacing the normal Awareness roll to find someone within its range.
  • Earthen Skewer (D-rank Doton) had its damage dice increased to d12’s (from d10).
  • Earth Shore Return (C-Rank Doton) had it clarified that you consider the validity of sufficient distance based off of the center of Area of Effect. It also doesn’t work against attacks with the ‘Ground’ tag.
  • Earth Prison Dome of Magnificient Nothing states what happens when you avoid getting caught in it and allows for dodging again while maintaining it.
  • Earth Style Wall (B-rank Doton) had its valid uses made more consistent with Earth Shore Return in how it functions, and also doesn’t work against attacks with the ‘Ground’ tag.
  • Earth Flow Rampart (B-rank Doton) now has a cap for its X equal to (5 + Chakra Control Ranks).

  • Violent Wind Palm (C-Rank Fuuton) had its link usage description updated to properly state it’s Speed +8, Seal Speed +8.
  • Vaulting Leap (C-rank Fuuton) now states that it ignores effects Ground-based environmental effects.
  • Shinkuu Enzan (B-rank Fuuton) had its statistics and text cleared up, mostly removing duplicate information and redundancies.
  • Crossroads of Heaven (B-rank Fuuton) does not get the benefit of Partial Success, and either works or doesn’t against any given attack; it also now states how it takes the penalty to Accuracy from Fatigue, rather than the defensive roll penalty.
  • Blade of Wind (A-Rank Fuuton) had some duplicate text removed with the introduction of Tags that state its wounding type.
  • Renkuudan (A-Rank Fuuton) had some duplicate text removed and now is explicit about its charging feature being a Variable Speed Action.

  • Morning Glow (E-rank Katon) had its upkeep increased back to 2, and notes it applies to environmental visibility penalties.
  • Sticky Fire (D-Rank Katon) now states outright it does not interact with Environmental effects, which hopefully clears up a few things.
  • Burning Circle (A-rank Katon) now has rules for its minimum size (of NDB) and also how it works if you put it directly on someone.
  • Mist Blaze Dance, Devil’s Cooking Pot, and Dragon King Blast were changed (again!) to no longer interact with other Environmental Katon.

  • Ball Lightning (A-rank Raiton) has some parts of its description fixed, and now correctly states ‘sitting out in the open’, rather than opponent, because at that point it’s not much of a deterrent so much as..

  • Water Sphere (E-Rank Suiton) had its base damage lowered by 1d6 and 2, respectively.
  • Liquid Bullet (D-rank Suiton) had its base damage changed to d10’s, lowered by 2 dice, and had its flat damage lowered by 4.
  • Hidden Mist (D-rank Suiton) has rules about restoring its Visbility Penalty, and moves with you.
  • Water Shark Blast (C-Rank Suiton) had its flat damage reduced, from 56 to 45. It retains the added 4d12 it has from its historic version.
  • Violent Water Wave (C-rank Suiton) had its flat damage reduced, from 30 to 24.
  • Syrup Capture Field (C-rank Suiton) removed a redundancy regarding how it can only capture people in its area.
  • Water Encampment Wall (B-rank Suiton) now ends early if you manage to destroy all the water used for it with enough attacks.
  • Great Waterfall (A-rank Suiton) had its required Gallons reduced to 100.
  • Great Shark Blast (A-rank Suiton) had its ‘Special’ removed to indicate that the extra gallons used are not part of its required amount as it relates to such effects, and had its effects reworded slightly.

  • Rune Inscribing and Transcription Seal both can not be used with jutsu which have a cost other than Chakra Exhaustion.
  • Rune Inscribing is back to being +X, rather than +X/2. Mostly this doesn’t matter, given its cost can be paid for whenever is convenient, it just locks out a few edge cases (like Monkey Prince, who demands better).
  • Mystical Palm (B-rank Medical Ninjutsu) lost its added Willpower cost if used multiple times in the same day, and instead increases its Chakra cost.
  • Vital Repair (D-rank Medical Ninjutsu) can be used multiple times a day on the same person, as with Mystic Palm, and gained the same scaling cost.


  • Caltrops gained the Environmental tag for when they’re placed, and can now be thrown to cover an area not immediately around you.
  • Smoke Bombs, Poison Smoke Bombs and Custom Smoke Bombs all have the Environmental tag.


  • Kage Bunshin do not modify any status effects you’re suffering from when used (mostly relevant in the case of Sealed Tenketsu).
  • Sky Kings (Bird Contract summon) had the numbers for its Crush formatted properly.