

  • Touu’s Frostbite is explicit about it not stacking between separate sources, and that only the highest severity is considered.
  • Hitori’s Dehydrate is explicit about it not stacking between separate sources, and that only the highest severity is considered, and its example was fixed.
  • Hitori’s Shakuton Wounding increase was reduced, from +100% to +50%.
  • Hyuuga’s Kaiten now uses its base Speed for its damage (X does not add to its damage).
  • Hyuuga’s One Blow Body lost its ‘Unarmed’ qualifier: it didn’t need it.
  • Kaguya’s Realignment Skeletal Modification requires mods spent for recovering from wounds above minor to be all from the same category of Skeletal Mod, and can only be done when using a Jutsu which allows for the Realignment modification itself (or when you can gain any mod).
  • Kaguya’s Spurs damage can not wound.
  • Kaguya’s Dance of the Camellia now states how long its weapons last.
  • Kaguya’s Dance of the Larch, and Dance of the Willow, can deal Slashing or Piercing wounds.
  • Kaguya’s Dance of the Clematis has it clarified that others using it use the base statistics; the effects from modifications are only for the Kaguya whom created the weapon. It also states how long it lasts.
  • Kaguya’s Dance of the Willow had it’s mentions of being a Speed 0 action returned.
  • Kaguya’s Blades Skeletal Modification is now properly nonspecific with what type of unarmed it is.
  • Aburame’s Bug Sphere can only use Grapple jutsu up to C-rank. They really had no business being Bugs Imitating Bears (or Dragons, or Tigers..).
  • Aburame’s Bug Jamming is Upkeep X, rather than X/2, because for some reason I thought it was a good idea to give Vis -10 for Upkeep 5. ..


  • Expansive Chakra had it clarified how it works with Action chains: It applies only once, and its benefits are based on the rank of the base action.
  • Genius had its XP reduction for Jutsu costs halved, from 50%, to 25%. This does, unfortunately, mean that some people will find themselves in the negatives of XP. For anyone with Genius, you can freely ‘unlearn’ jutsu in order to avoid accruing any XP debt: This doesn’t mean you can freely respec all your jutsu, only enough to avoid going negative. I do apologize for making this change well after launch, it is my fault, but it is better to do it now rather than later.


  • Willpower was returned to being after determining success/failure, but before you’ve seen results: You can use it after seeing you’ve failed your dodge, but you may not wait until you’ve seen the damage, wounds, status effects/etc and then opt to spend a point of willpower. This is really just returning Willpower to how it used to be.
  • Stealth levels now more thoroughly detail what you can do in each one, which should hopefully clear up some confusion. It is also reverting an earlier decision: You can block and parry in stealth without revealing yourself. It’s a ninja game, okay.
  • Interrupts had it added to them that if a defensive interrupt you perform turns into an attack, you use the final Speed of the Interrupt (which, for ninjutsu, is its Speed + Modified Seal Speed), and it has a minimum Speed of 3.
  • Broken Ribs had its missing (Torso) text given to it, though frankly, it was funny when Henzaki and Kaguya ask about it.
  • Broken Arm had its text changed slightly.
  • Ninjutsu AoE’s can be parried by Ninjutsu parries now (Wind Turtle Shell, Ocean Shield, etc), though doing so protects only you from the attack; taijutsu parries can not be used against ninjutsu, with the noted exception of those that are melee/touch, and those that use taijutsu accuracy (as has always been the case).


  • Quick Draw correctly states it is modifying the base Speed of its action, now.


  • The Environmental tag had its text cleaned up some, along with some minor changes: Officially they do not allow defensive interrupt responses (even with Blur/etc), unless they are performed in a way to be an attack (such as a MBD that immediately detonates). They also gained rules regarding how long they persist after combat is over, because people for some reason thought they’d be permanent.
  • Fuuton no longer reduces blocking by 25% as an inherent bonus to the element; Raiton now has this bonus, instead.
  • Clone rules (under the ‘Clone’ tag) were updated: Clones which are not independent can not be used outside of combat (so, most of them), and clones which are last an hour, after which they are destroyed as though struck.
  • Suiton now has a limit to how many gallons of water you can utilize for any given action, limited to your (CHA) in gallons.
  • Weapon Jutsu is now explicit about Weapon Jutsu inflicting wounds of the Type it works with, even if the weapon used can inflict wounds of other types.
  • Hitting a clone no longer increases your combo counter.


  • Counter Throw (C-rank Grapple) had it added that you can’t abort its delay.
  • Kurokumaken (B-rank Grapple) requires you to have your target in a compression hold now (not just know the jutsu), and specifies that it will end any Arm Lock or Head Lock existing (due to its arms requirement).
  • Dragon Takedown (B-rank Grapple) was nerfed: It now gives you the option of an automatic lock (but not choke hold) or knocking them prone (rather than doing both), and the Stamina roll from a failed opposed Athletics roll was reduced to 10 + X.
  • Chakra Flow (C-rank Weapon) had its Raiton effect changed (again!), ignoring armor and half DR, along with giving 10-40% extra base dice damage.
  • Kage Buyou had its text changed slightly in regards to how it lists Basic Unarmed.


  • Tearing Gust (D-rank Fuuton) had its chakra cost increased to 12, and its Speed increased by one, to 5.
  • Wind Cutter’s additional Wounding was reverted to 50%.
  • Four Seasonal Wind Palm (D-Rank Fuuton) was overhauled: It no longer reduces blocking percentage for unarmed tai, and instead lets you knock opponents back and chase them, ignoring terrain. It also now penalizes those that try to parry you by two.
  • Violent Wind Palm (C-Rank Fuuton) had its damage type changed to Slashing, its Chakra cost reduced to 14 (from 17) and had its damage lowered back to 2d6. When using it to reflect a thrown weapon attack, the attack’s accuracy is based off of is original result, rather than letting you use the result of the parry.
  • Vacuum Serial Waves (B-rank Fuuton) returned to its old cost, of 20 + X * 5.
  • Lightning Blade (D-rank Raiton) had its effects reworded slightly, for clarity.
  • Juude (D-rank Raiton) changed from a Link to an Upkeep jutsu, gaining Four Seasonal Wind Palm’s old bonuses (of reduced Block effectiveness from being blocked as a Raiton jutsu), on top of its prior effect of ending a Raiton-based Shock status in exchange for Accuracy for an attack. It now uses the nonspecific unarmed attack phrasing.
  • Avenging Lightning God (C-rank Raiton) can not wound.
  • Taiyoken (C-rank Raiton) had its effects reworded to indicate how it operates against Doujutsu (turning it off in response to Taiyoken doesn’t let you avoid its effects, namely), including the fact that Byakugan doesn’t let you ignore its penalties.
  • Chakra Scalpel (C-rank Medical Ninjutsu) now replaces your PDB with DEX/12 for your damage bonus, and makes it incompatible with PDB modifiers (up or down).
  • Gloves of Cohesion (D-rank Suiton) now states it doesn’t work with ninjutsu-based grapples, or grapples with weapons/objects.
  • Hidden Mist (D-rank Suiton) had its duplicate text changed. Comparing the original directly below the proposed current is definitely not how I asses changes. ..
  • Daikoudan (A-Rank Suiton) can no longer ‘absorb’ the chakra cost of doton defenses used against it to gain more damage.
  • Great Exploding Water Shockwave (A-rank Suiton) had its base gallons created lowered from 200 to 100, and its amount needed to ignore Ground effects increased from 200 to 300. It lost its Range (it should’ve never had it, it’s a PBAoE), its Area was lowered to X * 3 (from * 4), and its Stun is no longer scaling, and simply Stun 20.
  • Doryu Ken (D-rank Doton) now uses the nonspecific unarmed attack phrasing.
  • Earth Shore Return (C-rank Doton) had its clarification removed, because it created new problems. Tags help solve some of the Ground based stuff as it is, but it can be clarified further if it’s needed.
  • Blazing Fury (D-rank Katon) is no longer redundant and simply uses the nonsepcific unarmed attack phrasing.
  • Phoenix Wings (D-rank Katon) now uses the nonspecific unarmed attack phrasing (but still can’t be used with grapple jutsu).


  • Brain Destruction wounds can no longer be ‘healed’ by Kaguya and Henzaki, though doing so lets them be made aware they’re under a genjutsu.


  • Bo Staff’s ability to dual wield by striking with both ends was clarified (in that you use only one to do so, and don’t need two), it lost its penalty for parrying unarmed attacks, and had its Stamina cost reduced by 1, to 14.
  • Gunbai can no longer reflexive block.
  • Umbrella lost their ability to block weapons at full effectiveness, and (again) break after being used to block reflexively three times.
  • Tonfa gained +1 to their Parry rolls, but again break after being used to block weapons at full effectiveness three times.
  • Various armor types now state that you can only wear one type of armor on a given body location.
  • Caltrops: NO!


  • Gates had their wounding locations normalized: Rather than following the normal percentile locations, it lists its own location roll, giving 20% to each major location (head, torso, arms, abdomen, legs) evenly; arms and legs still are divided between left and right with evens and odds, respectively.