
  • Kaguya’s Seedling Fern is now explicit about being unable to take others with you (via its Speed 0 movement option), and accordingly can’t be used when grappled.
  • Hitori’s Incarnation of Desert specifies that it moves with the user.


  • Strong-Willed now states its penalty reduction is for temporary penalties, and is explicit about not applying to penalties from other uniques.


  • Block (the Variable Speed Action anyone can take) is now explicit about being usable even against things which don’t allow a defense (such as Explosive Tags, Mist Blaze Dance, etc). Notably, this is only for the Variable Speed Action version of Block: reflexive blocking does not have such a feature.


  • Defensive Formation is explicit about its bonus replacing, rather than adding to, the normal bonus you get when attempting to Take the Hit.
  • Weapon Throw was reworded to explicitly be its own attack action.


  • Doryuuheki (B-rank Doton) had its strength against Katon removed.
  • Suiben (C-Rank Suiton) had its Grapple bonus listing moved to where it describes how it’s used for such.
  • Heavenly Chain of Destruction (C-rank Sealing) is now explicit about Sleeping Moon being unable to apply to it.
  • Mist Blaze Dance (C-rank Katon) had its text about being unable to be dodged replaced with unable to be defended against: this is for consistency amongst environmental effects.
  • Burning Circle (A-rank Katon) had its mention of placing it at any location changed to any target, which can be the user; this is again to prevent people from trying to place it directly on top of, in front of, or behind someone (though it is still possible, it requires more tactical positioning).
  • Clone Great Explosion (A-rank General Ninjutsu) had its text about being unable to be dodged replaced with unable to be defended against.
  • Cloth Binding (A-rank General Ninjutsu) describes how it interacts with Exclusive Seals.


  • Explosive Tags (under Rank gear) had its text about being unable to be dodged replaced with unable to be defended against. This does mean you can no longer use things like ESR, or Ninjutsu parries, against it.


  • Slug Slime had some text added as to how you deal with weapons that have had their damage dice lowered long-term.