
  • Hitori’s Resistance penalty was moved from their status effect, Dehydrate, and into Cremation, where the full Resistance penalty (equaling their Dehydrate at the time of its use) will remain until the Ignite goes away.


  • Applied Knowledge had its in-combat Research rank replacement option no longer stacking with its passive (Research rank)/5 skill bonus; using the former, you lose the latter for that roll.
  • Elementally Gifted had its text changed to clarify it gives a second Affinity, not a second and a third.


  • Ignite and Bleed had their reduction rate swapped: Ignites now reduce at a rate of RES/30 (minimum 1), Bleeds at a rate of RES/20 (minimum 1).


  • Explosive Tag Connection now states that the weapon(s) with tags attached are destroyed from the explosion.


  • Dragon Takedown (B-Rank Grapple) has its maximum Stamina roll inflicted capped at 25.


  • Temporary Paralysis (D-Rank General nin) had its maximum Immobility penalty reduced from 8 to 6, and its severity increase based on degree of failure changed from +1 per 3, to +1 per 4.
  • Bunshin (E-rank General Nin) had its base Chakra cost decreased, from 10 to 5.


  • Instances of “Ingested” should be standardized to “Ingestion” now, for Poisons.


  • Snakes and Hydras had their text update to be specific that they’re immune to being knocked prone, rather than tripped.
  • Ninja Cat should have slightly better formatting.