First of all, congratulations to everyone who received a promotion following the second Chuunin exams! Second of all, if you are a Chuunin and have not picked a Shinobi Allied Forces division, please make sure to do so within the week, or your character will be ‘voluntold’ which division they will be joining. Fun!


  • Kaguya’s Corpse Bone Chain specificies you can not use it to proc off of itself, for clarity.
  • Kaguya’s Skeletal Modifications states that using clan jutsu to acquire modifications only happens in combat: While you can use the jutsu out of combat as you please, they will not grant you skeletal modifications. No pre-battle modding (unless you opt to wound yourself, in which case, feel free).
  • Monkasei’s Jiton is explicit about being unable to utilize Jiton-converted Fuuton with a fan.
  • Hitori’s Shakuton is explicit about being unable to utilize Shakuton-converted Fuuton with a fan.
  • Hitori’s Incarnation of Desert had the ‘Area of Effect’ and ‘Environmental’ tags added to them.
  • Touu’s Hyouton now ignores armor.
  • Touu’s Frostbite is now explicit on how it interacts with Ember-burning (which can remove it, as it is not an internal immobility penalty).
  • Inuzuka’s attacks had the Slashing tag added to them.
  • Yamanaka’s Shintenshin is explicit about not being able to utilize various talents while possessing someone else.


  • Expansive Chakra now grants a bonus to CE rolls (instead of a reduction). Those with the unique are, in this special instance, allowed to respec out of EC and utilize its 1 UP elsewhere, if they wish, by informing a Staff member of their intended change.
  • Relentless specificies its Accuracy bonus applies to your next attack, rather than your next action, to make it clearer it does not apply to parry.


  • Damage Reduction now states how combining DR-bypassing effects work.
  • Clarified that no action’s Speed (base or Final) can be reduced below 3. Interrupts still bypass this rule, as normal.
  • Rest is once again a Speed 5 action, so everyone can now breathe two sighs of relief.
  • Called Shots can not be used with Area of Effect attacks. Targeted Area of Effect attacks will alow you to make the attack a Called Shot for your main target only (though its penalty applies versus all those it might hit).
  • Suffocation is explicit about applying its increased/new value to the Stamina 15 roll you make as it increases.


  • Ambidexterity had its Parry bonus changed from even ranks, to odd ranks, increasing its Parry bonus by one, at max ranks.
  • Breathing Exercises has been removed; anyone with ranks in it has that XP refunded.
  • Skill Specialization denotes how it does not work with Willpower, and effects which function like it.
  • Refined Chakra Control and Healthy are now capped at a max rakn of 5. Those who might have more than five ranks have the excess ranks refunded.
  • Guts states that Clones can not benefit from it.


  • Clones had their ‘status effects are copied over to your clones when they’re created’ bit separated to make it clear it’s separate from clone fatigue rules.


  • Crosswave had its effects reworded to be explicit about how blocking does not triple its dice for damage, because people kept asking. In a reversion from a prior ruling, it now does do so if you elect to not defend against Crosswave, however.


  • Clones (E-rank General Ninjutsu) are now explicit about being destroyed upon being hit or taking any damage.
  • Genjutsu Kai (D-rank General Ninjutsu) can only be used on willing targets.
  • Taiyoken (C-rank Raiton) no longer has an Accuracy, or allows a defensive interrupt against it: It is purely an opposed Initiative roll.
  • Dorou Domu (B-Rank Doton) now states how it works with other area of effects and those caught within its dome. It is also explicit about attempts to move underground not working to escape it.
  • Pool of Water (D-rank Suiton) had its Immobility penalty reduction returned to its historic strength of 4.
  • Ocean Shield (C-rank Suiton) had its Speed and Seal Speed exchanged, going from 10 and 8 to 8 and 10, respectively.
  • Water Clones (C-rank Suiton) that are destroyed by an AoE attack while performing Water Prison do not protect the person inside from the AoE that destroys them.
  • Syrup Capture Field (C-rank Suiton) now just states the required cost of 7 gallons of water.
  • Grudge Rain (B-rank Suiton) had its CE penalty, and its CE reduction, changed to apply every 5 IC, to coincide with the changes to Rest.
  • Water Fang Bullet (B-rank Suiton) had its damage increased by 2d20+20.
  • Exploding Water Shockwave was reverted to its non-scaling historic version with a change to its old damage value, regaining its special quality of being undodgable and allowing you to move in any direction (though the amount you can is lower than before).
  • Wind God’s Breath (B-rank Fuuton) was made clearer with how it increases the damage of Katon used against them while maintaining its upkeep.
  • Eye of the East Wind (B-rank Fuuton) had its bonus to awareness rolls reduced to NDB/3 (from /2), and changed to allow you to negate the effects of any Surprise/Sneak attack against you or to reveal your opponent, rather than doing both.
  • Daikoudan (A-rank Suiton) is explicit about being usable against damage-dealing ranged ninjutsu attacks.
  • Kitakaze (A-Rank Fuuton) was reduced to applying to all ninjutsu environmental effects aside from B/A-Rank Katon, but also had its Status Effect clearing reverted to only apply to Non-internal Immobility/Shock/Para. It also had its old text about what kind of Immobility penalties it removes.
  • Dampening Field (A-rank Raiton) now can move to follow the user, at a rate of 1 yard per IC, but retains its original restriction of needing its center to be kept within CHA/10 yards, or else it ends.
  • Renkuudan (A-rank Fuuton) had its mention of its charging being a ‘Variable Speed Action’ removed, to prevent some niche side effects.
  • Sealing Jutsu that were links to unarmed attacks have all been reverted to simply being “Range: Touch” jutsu. This proved to, much to my chagrin, have been a mistake in terms of making them usable; they all remain without their historic, massive Seal Speeds and Accuracy reduction, however. Further changes may take place with them, as deemed necessary, but it’s unlikely to ever see them be unarmed links again.


  • Iron Maiden (B-rank Genjutsu) had its CE cost lowered by 4, to 32.


  • The “Two-handed” tag, which increases your STR-based damage bonus by 25%, now increases it by 33%, and is more explicit about it applying only to your stat-based divisor.
  • Nunchaku are explicit that you can use a single nunchaku, with both hands, to use it to dual wield with itself.
  • Bo Staff’s lost their ability to parry Unarmed attacks, but gained the ability to utilize Unarmed Taijutsu (but not Combo Taijutsu) while wielded, and gained +2d10 damage.
  • Exploding Tags had some old, no longer relevant text removed. Type 3 (Jounin) tags now deal triple damage to inanimate objects.
  • Yari had its -1 Accuracy removed.
  • Naginata gained +1 Accuracy.


  • Skill Mastery denotes that it does not work with Willpower, and effects which function like it.
  • Second Characters are now explained in their requirements and rules at the bottom of Advancement.
  • The overcap XP required to attain a second character has been reduced from 500 overcap to 100 overcap.


  • Nature Chakra had all ‘Body of’ and ‘Awakening:’ abilities reduced in their XP cost, by 10, for a total reduction of 50 XP from Adept tier, and 50 XP from Sage tier, which brings it much closer to its historic costs.
  • Gates now cause you to ignore a wound location after you acquire a Critical wound to that location, shifting to the next location down; when you have a Critical wound on all body locations (Head, Torso, Abdomen, both arms and both legs), all gates automatically close. Likewise, the Eighth Gate is explicit about closing when combat ends.
  • Gates are now explicit that the number of gates (total) you can open without wounding is equal to your current willpower.


  • The limitation for summons (ordinarily once per week) had ‘(OOC DAY)’ added to it, to be clearer.
  • All Summons with ‘Might of the Meek’ had their Movement Speed increase by XP reduced from XP/100, to XP/200, with the exception of Hares.
  • All Summons should now have a listed Genjutsu bonus, or a Genjutsu Defense bonus, for whenever it might be relevant.
  • Canine Contract’s Dog Spirit Possession had the Preparation tag added to it.
  • Monkey Prince’s Peerless Champion and Moountain-Conquering Pride features both include increasing his Genjutsu bonus, now.
  • Rock Snail’s Genjutsu Offense was increased, and Like a Rock was given more specifics for how it works.
  • Nekomata’s Ignite is now explicit about not allowing a defense or status roll against its Ignite, and that it applies it to everyone but the Nekomata themselves (including the summoner). It stacks additively with any Ignite from Spirit Flame.
  • Rakshasa can now dodge and move for free, as a basic action.
  • Ravens had their Flight feature slightly reworded.
  • Owl Sages can no longer, uh, repeatedly Speed 0 search via Scout, but can also now Dodge and Move without spending the summoner’s AP.
  • Amahou can Move and Search without spendering the Summoner’s AP.
  • Yojimbo had a kind Shinobi give them new weapons, and they now use Katanas at their new 10d10 damage, versus the old 8d8.
  • Constrict (for Cobras and Hydras) is explicit about not wounding, and is consistently a +5 bonus to maintain the grapple, rather than different per tier.
  • Cobra’s Venomous Spit now has a listed range, of 15.
  • Hydra’s combine no longer adds to grapple rolls (though it does give a bonus to their PDB, which will improve them still).