Anniversary Update 3.3.6
All characters created before 01/14/2025 gain 25 XP and 5 Infamy! For the game going on for a full year now.
- Aburame’s Bug Jamming got the ‘Environmental’ tag for clarity, though it already stated as much in its Effects.
- Nara’s Kagemane was changed: Its cost is now 10 + X * 2 + Y * 5, with X being the bonus you wish to give to your rolls to hold onto someone, to a maximum of your NDB (allowing up to your NDB * 2 to apply to it’s grapple rolls), with Y being how many times previously it’s been used that battle. It also removed its ability to force someone into a ‘no defense’ situation: instead, you can apply a -10 to their defensive roll and -50% to their Block effectiveness when they are attacked (as well as keeping them anchored and unable to avoid AoE dodge pens), which automatically lets them escape after the attack resolves. You can still opt to let them defend, if you want to avoid giving them a chance to escape.
- Nara’s Shadow Sewing specifies that to use Kagemane on someone affected by it, it has to be your Shadow Sewing.
- Nara’s Kagemane Shuriken gives a bonus to the Nara’s grapple roll of however much you hit by (keeping in mind you had to miss, and then hit, with a +4 bonus).
- Nara’s Shadow Neck-Bind gives +10% or +10 to consecutive uses, rather than a flat +10, and allows for an alternative use to apply Suffocate 1, which lasts until the Kagemane itself ends.
- Swordsman Corps’ clan sword yang blade feature of receiving Damage Reduction when blocking is now explicit about not being affected by two-handing the weapon.
- Swordsman Corps’ clan sword yin tassel feature of allowing you to parry attacks of your flow’s elemental strength now also allows you to do so against the element of your flow itself.
- Inuzuka’s Gatsuga had its damage dice reduced to d6’s, and has its added damage capped at (STR/10)d6. It also reduces Blocking by 5%, reduced from 10% per damage roll.
- Inuzuka’s Garouga had its damage changed to (STR/10)d12, from STR/8, and had its added damage capped at (STR/10)d12 from the opposed skill roll. It also reduces Blocking by 5%, reduced from 10% per damage roll, and it is now clearer that using a non-rolled defense causes them to roll the maximum amount of damage rolls, but with no added damage.
- Hozuki’s Hydration technique specificies that its Stun (from being Shocked) applies from non-environmental Raiton. It also notes that you can’t seal the gallons of water it provides (via confinement sealing, element sealing, etc).
- Terumi’s Dissolving World lost its half NDB damage, and had the Accuracy added in its stat block, and had the Point Blank Area of Effect tag added.
- Kaguya’s Seedling Fern was cleaned up a bit in its text, and clarified that its interrupt-attack, upon hit, knocks them back and cancels any further movement of the person who got hit (if their action would have moved them further, such as with Shunshin, Racing Thunder, etc).
- Specialist now once again reduces Fatigue costs (rather than just giving a bonus to your fatigue roll) for your favored type; it increases the fatigue costs of your unfavored type, accordingly, and the penalty again matches the benefit. This is essentially returning it to its original reworked state, and overall I think it works better as a specialist benefit than in EC as a one-point UP anyone can (and almost everyone will) pick up.
- The “Damage” section of Combat has received a much-needed clarification, as it appears there has been a lot of confusion (and some inconsistency) amongst how you handle the various modifiers to your damage bonus. The tl;dr is that all such damage bonus modifying effects are additive, not multiplicitive with one another, which has always been the case, but it has not been enforced properly, mostly as a fault of mine for not checking people on it.
- Genjutsu’s listing is now explicit about Genjutsu used in combat ending once the combat itself does (with several noted exceptions).
- Willpower was clarified in that it can only be used to reroll any part of any given action once.
- Doctor got an added parenthesis clarifying that it does not apply to yourself.
- All things that stated ‘terrain’ should now properly be listed as ‘Ground’, which is a new tag to codify the already-existing ‘terrain’ effects, plus a few others (mostly as it relates to some Doton attacks and the Shockwave-inducing Taijutsu).
- ‘Point Blank Area of Effect’ was added as a tag to various jutsu (listed under Area of Effect in Jutsu Rules), to indicate AoE’s that are based on (and expanding from) the user, and thus do not include themselves as targets.
- ‘Targeted Area of Effect’ was added as a tag to various jutsu (listed under Area of Effect in Jutsu Rules) to indicate AoE’s that still require a target; notably, this means they can not be used against a stealthed target.
- Any errors with tagging, as always, feel free to mention to be corrected in future updates.
- Chakra Flow (C-rank Weapon) had Chakra Flow Modifications rule added to it, that you can only maintain Chakra Flow of one element at a time, even if holding two weapons (for the rare case someone with multiple affinities opts to wield multiple weapons).
- Blade Honing (C-rank Weapon) was reverted in its typing, and is now once again Slashing (and melee), instead of Dual. It can only double the base damage of any given weapon it is applied to.
- Storm Kick (B-rank Unarmed) had its wording changed slightly; the default Parry action does not work against it, but ninjutsu-based parries can parry it. It now has an inherent +2 Accuracy, rather than gaining it as a bonus for the first usage only, and had the Projectile tag added to it.
- Deadly Heel Strike (A-rank unarmed) had its Stamina increased by 10, and its Accuracy reduced by another -2 (to -8 total), but it can now have its Accuracy removed against an airborne opponent, however if an airborne target succeeds in their defense, then they avoid the shockwave (as well as the main hit).
- Rotation Strike (C-rank Taijutsu) had its Area moved into its statistic block, and the Targeted Area of Effect tag added.
- Hidden Among Rocks (B-rank Doton) had its effects re-written for consistency, and lost the Preparation tag.
- Moji Hyouki (B-rank Sealing) activates if the object it is on is moved.
- Violent Wind Palm (C-rank Fuuton) had it finally added that you receive +3 to resist being knocked prone by it each time you fail it.
- Tenchu (A-rank Raiton)’s CE cost was increased by 10, to 70, and it had +1d8 and +1d6 added to its damage (making it 6d8 * 6d6 * 2d4.takehighest(1)).
- Great Waterfall (A-rank Suiton) had its Area increased to 40, from 20, and its Speed reduced by 6, to 30.
- Water Prison (C-rank Suiton) had the clause previously in Mizu Bunshin moved to it and made to apply to all clones: if the clone would be destroyed by an attack that would also affect someone inside the water prison, that person must also defend and is not protected from the attack. It was also clarified that this is the case for someone who drops the Water Prison to dodge an attack aimed at them.
- Vital Regeneration (A-rank Medical) had its example fixed, and received a small nerf; it is X * 4 for how long the increased fatigue level lasts, rater than (X - 1) * 4, and Criticals increase your fatigue level by two, instead of one, which is how it was traditionally.
- Descending Hell (D-rank) had its Area increased by 10, to 25, and was rewritten to hopefully be a little less wordy.
- The Seventh Gate no longer allows you to ignore Critical wounds.
- The Eight Gate resets your Wound category from the gates.
- Kage Bunshin had the normal ‘these function as regular bunshin’ start line added to indicate they copy bunshins regular rules like all other clones: max of 3, start hidden amongst them, etc.
- Diplomatic Immunity (Hare contract) now calls out that Taking the Hit is also a violation, because people keep asking about it.
- Sanctuary (Hare contract) had what it applies its penalty (of -10) to made more concise (Accuracy, d20 rolls, offensive/defensive rolls and fatigue, versus calling out specific skill checks of tox and CC).
- Sanctuary also gained a new restriction: If you leave the field, and then commit any offensive action, you can not receive its protection for an hour (to disallow the usage of it as a ‘shield’ to avoid retaliation while you hop in and out to skirt its intended non-violence).
- Nekomata’s Spirit Flame had its Speed reduced to 8, from 14, and has an actual listed Speed for its Spirit Flames attack: It is defended against as Speed 8, but advances the Nekomata’s IC by 4.
- Rakshasa’s Immolate specifies defensive interrupts, rather than just ‘defenses’, and lists the new, correct Ignite reduction divisors.
- Rakshasa’s Soul Rot specifies that if the combat ends, the effect ends.
- Rakshasa’s Banishment AP cost was increased to 7, from 4.
- Rakshasa’s Treachery was updated to make it clear it is a 10% chance for every time it uses an ability, and that it uses Spirit Siphon to steal a WP from the summoner and redirect any attack it was defending against to them, using the WP on its Accuracy. The XP at which it will no longer betray its summoner was increased to 8000.
- Rakshasa’s Rake was made an exception to the above, allowing it to be used without risking it betraying its summoner.
- Ninja Cat’s Shuriken Throw specifies its base damage is 1d6 per Shuriken (aka normal Shuriken damage), and that it lowers Wounds by one category, to a minimum of Minor (aka normal MT rules).
- Trap-Door Minefield (Spider contract) now uses the user’s Toxicology skill ranks, or 3+XP/200, whichever is higher.
- Spider Bite (Spider contract) now uses the user’s Toxicology skill ranks, or 3+XP/200, whichever is higher.
- Sen’eijashu (Snake contract) now uses the user’s Toxicology skill ranks, or 3+XP/200, whichever is higher.
- Sen’eijashu’s Blue Krait specifies that it is based on the total Poison severity from itself, rather than ‘all poisons’, to determine its Immobility penalty.
- Sen’eijashu’s Black Mamba specifies how it works alongside other Suffocation poisons, now.
- Sen’eijashu’s Python made the fact that it causes all the snakes to begin a single grapple with an oponent a little clearer, though it’s unchanged in how it works.
- Foot Cart Destroying technique (Toad contract) specifies it can’t be defended against, and that you may not Abort it, despite its delay.
- Satsu no Usagi has a new feature: Caerbannog Killer, no longer costs AP for its attack (since it does so indiscriminately), and its Attack’s speed was increased to 10.