Medical Ninjutsu

For the sake of quick reference, the jutsu a medic may perform on themselves are:


–( Mukizu Shindan no Jutsu - Flawless Diagnosis Technique )–

By touching someone and sending pulses of chakra throughout the recipient’s tenketsu, the user can learn of someone’s vitals and condition faster than it would be to separately evaluate them. It requires the patient be willing to do so, however, which is the cause of most medic-nin’s stress while in training.

Effects: You learn the target’s Fatigue level, percent of remaining HP and Vitality, any wounds they’re suffering from, any illnesses they have, any poisons they’re afflicted with, and any other health issues they may be suffering from. These are in general terms: Your character knows they are “exhausted, but still have some energy left”, not that they “are at Fatigue 4”. In addition to telling you what’s wrong with a person, this gives a +15 bonus to any Medicine rolls to treat a person using mundane means (such as a First Aid kit). This cannot be used against an unwilling target. Well; it can’t be used on an unwilling target who is also capable of resisting.

–( Tourniquet Technique )–

A surprisingly medical technique, this throttles the flow of chakra to a specific portion of the body, and by doing so puts it in a state of near-hibernation. The entire limb becomes numb and almost unresponsive, but blood flow decreases and pain is significantly reduced.

Effects: This jutsu can be applied to any limb. The recipient loses the use of that limb, but ignores all effects of any wounds present on it. In the case of an arm that means it cannot be used to hold weapons, the amount of weapons you can multi-throw is reduced by 25%, and you cannot use that hand to form handseals. In the case of an leg this applies a -25% to movement speed and a -1 dodge penalty. This technique cannot be used offensively. You can, however, use it on yourself.

–( Kyuusho Shuuzen no Jutsu - Vital Repair Technique )–

By transferring your chakra to the recipient, you can stimulate the body to begin the recovery process and help stabilize their most basic functions (like breath rate and pulse). It lacks the precision of more advanced jutsu to target specific injuries and problems, but helps to keep people alive until they can receive advanced care.

Effects: For the duration of this technique, you must keep your hands on its recipient. If you are stunned, or knocked away, it is Aborted automatically. The value of X is determined, and the Chakra cost paid, after it ends. For every IC which passes, you heal 3+(Chakra Control Ranks)/5 of the recipient’s lost Hit Points. This will not restore lost Vitality, though it will restore a person in negative Hit Points to consciousness. You pay the cost of this technique after you finish healing, based on its actual duration. If you Abort it, or are forced to, X is reduced appropriately. You may use this technique on yourself (though you still have to be able to place a hand on yourself to do so; no hands, no healing).

Y is equal to the number of times the recipient has had this jutsu used on them in the same day.


–( Chakura no Mesu - Chakra Scalpel )–

This forms one’s chakra into a small, sharp blade; medics favor this for performing highly accurate incisions during surgeries and dissection, as it won’t lose its edge and is always sterile (unlike a regular blade). It can even be used to make cuts inside the body without creating an opening wound, which drastically reduces the risk of infection.

Effects: You can use this in combat. Doing so causes your basic unarmed attacks to use DEX/12 for their damage bonus (instead of PDB, which means bonuses, and penalties, to your PDB do not affect this), ignoring any damage reduction your opponent may have, and to inflict Slashing wounds. However, these ‘scalpel’ injuries are relatively shallow: They cannot wound a location wearing armor, and do not damage armor when they strike it.

The more skilled a medic is, the more effectively they’ll be able to weaponize what’s meant to be a surgical technique: The damage from Chakra Scalpel attacks is increased by (your Medicine skill ranks)%. Additionally, its damage (after that increase) is increased by (Medicine skill ranks)% for determining the severity of wounds it inflicts.

–( Kasoku Saikassei - Accelerated Revitalization )–

An advanced medical technique which temporarily allows the body to sustain itself by accelerating the body’s metabolism and chakra reserves. It was originally developed to extend the medic’s usefulness in prolonged missions, but has been expanded since. It is used sparingly because of how long it takes to recover from, and how it tends to leave people comatose afterward.

Effects: This lowers the recipient’s effective Fatigue level by X, with X having a maximum of their current Fatigue level. A person can only benefit from one application of this technique. To apply it again, they must first release the previous instance of it–which may, potentially, render them immediately unconscious, if their “true” Fatigue level is 6 or higher. Notably, an unconscious person cannot benefit from this technique. However, forcing one’s body beyond its limits like this is costly. For the next X weeks, the recipient will not recover from Fatigue at all, even through the use of Soldier Pills (though another application of this technique would still function). If multiple instances of Kasoku Saikassei are delaying one’s recovery, only the one with the longest time remaining is counted for that purpose. This technique cannot be used offensively.

–( Kizu Saishuu no Jutsu - Wound Sealing Technique )–

This technique uses chakra to make repairs to an injured body; gashes are pulled shut, wounds sutured, damaged organs held steady by the application of chakra. This can give an injured shinobi the second wind they need to win a battle or complete a mission. However, this is only a temporary measure; before long the chakra will unravel. As such, this is considered an emergency technique among medics, to be used only when there’s no other choice. Most will hesitate to apply this to their comrades, as far too many shinobi will prove willing to, using this newfound health, charge into battle, defeat their enemies, and then die hours later when their borrowed time expires.

Effects: The recipient immediately regains up (25 + (your ninjutsu damage bonus)*2)% of their maximum Vitality, which will not take them above their maximum. However, (your ninjutsu damage bonus) hours later, their wounds will reopen; they’ll immediately take that much damage, +10%, which cannot be reduced or mitigated. Until this occurs, they will not heal normally (i.e. as described in the Recovery section of the Combat chapter). This can be fatal.

–( Rinji Hougou no Jutsu - Temporary Suture Technique)–

Weaving a network of chakra, a medic can make short-term repairs to damaged body parts. They can set wounds and hold them rigidly in place, use chakra to take the place of damage muscles and tendons, alleviate swelling and bruising, or even repair damaged blood vessels and do the job of injured nerves. The problem with this is that it’s a short-term fix to a long term problem. This is itself damaging, but beyond that it prevents the body from doing anything to repair itself, and allows undue strain to be placed on these injured body parts.

Effects: This temporarily negates the effects of up to X wounds; it can be applied later to negate additional wounds, without disrupting previous applications. This lasts for (the medic’s ninjutsu damage bonus) hours, after which time the chakra sustaining the jutsu expires–and the recipient pays the price for pushing their body beyond its limits. For each wound remedied this way, they take damage equal to 5% of their maximum Vitality, per category of the wound. Thus, if this was used to negate a Minor and a Severe wound, after it ended the person would take (5 + 15) = 20% of their maximum Vitality in damage (which could carry over to their HP), which cannot be reduced or mitigated. Additionally, the recovery times of these wounds is increases by 1 week per level of the wound (1 week for minors, 3 for severes, etc.). In the case of wounds whose penalties are reduced over time, this “extra” recovery time must be made up for first, before normal recovery can continue. This can be fatal. It cannot be used on an unwilling subject (though as with its predecessor, Tourniquet Technique, you may use it on yourself). So long as this technique is in place, natural healing (as described in the Recovery section of the Combat chapter) will not take place.

–( Meguri Seigyo no Jutsu - Hemostasis Technique )–

Although this technique is fairly simple, it’s not taught to amateur medics due to the danger inherent in making any sort of mistake when applying it. This temporarily adjusts the recipient’s pulse and blood flow, putting their body in a more stable condition. This is mainly used to prevent someone from bleeding out, and to prevent the spread of poison.

Effects: This lasts for X * 5 IC. During that time, the damage the recipient takes from Bleed effects is reduced to 0, the Stamina penalties from Bleed effects is not applied, and they take damage from Poison once every 2 IC, rather than every IC. The severity of Bleed statuses is reduced normally. During this time, they have a +5 bonus to all their Resistance rolls. You may use this technique on yourself.


–( Shousen no Jutsu - Mystical Palm Technique )–

In many ways the pinnacle of medical ninjutsu, this allows the user to dramatically accelerate the body’s natural healing process by using chakra to stimulate it. This lets them heal a patient without the need for medical equipment, surgery, or even ordinary healing times. Despite the incredible skill required in matching the distribution of chakra to the severity of injuries, this looks incredibly simple: the medic places their faintly-glowing palms on the recipient, and injuries begin to vanish.

Effects: For the duration of this technique, you must keep your hands on its recipient. If you are stunned, or knocked away, it is Aborted automatically. The value of X is determined, and the Chakra cost paid, after it ends. This paragraph should seem familiar. Every IC which passes, you heal 6+(Chakra Control ranks)/5 of the recipient’s Vitality. This will not heal lost Hit Points. You pay the cost of this technique after you finish healing, based on its actual duration. If you Abort it, or are forced to, X is reduced appropriately. You may use this technique on yourself, as with Vital Repair.

Y is equal to the number of times the recipient has had this jutsu used on them in the same day.

–( Fukugen Ryouhou - Rejuvenating Remedy )–

An advanced technique in which, with a touch, the user sends a pulse of chakra throughout the body of their target, which corrects disrupts in the user’s chakra flow and the nerves and blood vessels which they follow throughout the body. It is widely rumored to have been developed by a Hyuuga medic-nin.

Effects: This clears the person touched of immobilization, paralysis and shock penalties which are internal (Poisons, Clay bullet, etc would not apply, but notably Combat Acupuncture and Nervous System Derangement would). It immediately ends any stuns which are presently affecting them. It is also strong enough to disrupt weaker Genjutsu, granting another defensive roll against a single Genjutsu affecting them of C rank or lower, with a +5 bonus. You may use this technique on yourself.

–( Saikan Chuushutsu no Jutsu - Delicate Illness Extraction Technique )–

An delicate and advanced technique even among medical ninjutsu, this is nonetheless exceptionally useful. The medic makes an incision on the patient’s body (usually the torso, but other locations are possible) and then uses chakra to draw out any poisons, toxins, or other pathogens that may be afflicting the person.

Effects: This cures any poisons a person may be suffering from. Most parasites and chemical toxins can also be excised this way. Despite its name, however, it is not able to actually cure diseases or viruses. You may use this technique on yourself.

–( Kyouka Shohou: Chakura Chuunyuu - Strengthening Prescription: Chakra Injection )–

Originaly developed as a kinjutsu, the version used by medics today is a safer (though still by no means safe) derivative. Using medically-altered chakra, an individual can be greatly, if temporarily, strengthened. Unfortunately, they are burning their proverbial candle at both ends when under the effects of this technique.

Effects: The recipient has their ninjutsu and physical damage bonuses increased by one half of your ninjutsu damage bonus, and receives a bonus to Stamina and Chakra Exhaustion rolls equal to your ninjutsu damage bonus. However, whenever they fail a Stamina or Chakra Exhaustion roll, their Fatigue is raised an additional category. Additionally, any time their Stamina or Chakra Exhaustion penalty increases, the other is increased by the same amount. These effects last until the end of the fight (or other encounter, if used out of combat for some reason). This can not be used on an unwilling target.


–( Ranshinshou - Nervous System Derangement )–

Upon making contact with the enemy, the user converts their chakra into actual electricity and sends it through the nervous system of the user. This disrupts the signals that are sent to the brain from the various limbs and muscles, making the wrong muscle flex or move when you try to say.. move your arm. In the end, you just flail on the ground.

Effects: This inflicts an Immobilize 6, Paralysis 6, and Shock 6. Unlike normal, these status effects do not fade naturally over time, and instead require the target to spend 10 AP to decrease all three status effects by 1 as a Speed 5 action.

–( Chikatsu Saisei no Jutsu - Healing Resuscitation Regeneration Technique )–

The pinnacle of advanced medical jutsu, with effects that border upon miraculous, this stimulates the body’s stem cells to begin dividing and recreating a lost or destroyed part of the body–such as a limb or organ. In time, full functionality will be regained. Doing so, however, is incredibly difficult, even for experienced medical nin. In the rare instance when this technique is performed, multiple medics will usually work in tandem.

Effects: A medic involved in this technique makes the Chakra roll, and then spends 1 Willpower towards the regeneration process. A total of 100 Willpower must be spent this way; at least 1 Willpower must be spent each week, or all progress is lost. After the last point of Willpower is added, the user regains their lost limb, organ, or body part. During this time, the recipient cannot go above Fatigue 2. If they do, at any point and for any reason, all progress is lost.

–( Kyuushou Taisha - Vital Regeneration )–

The medic-nin focuses their chakra on a specific part of the body and, using what is left of the damaged organ or area, forces a rapid replication of specific types of cells. It is capable of mending broken bones and repairing ruptured organs with astonishing speed.

Effects: This completely cures one wound the recipient is suffering from. X is 1 per severity of the wound (1 for minor, 4 for critical). However, for the next X * 4 weeks, the healed individual’s Fatigue is considered 1 higher for all purposes; in the case of Critical wounds, their Fatigue is considered 2 higher. Multiple uses of this stack.

For example, say you had a Critical wound and a Major wound cured on the same day. You would be perpetually at Fatigue 3 for the next 2 * 4 = 8 OOC days, and at Fatigue 2 for another 8 days after that; If you had another two Severe wounds healed this way in that time, you’d be at Fatigue 5 until the after-effects started wearing off. Although most experienced medic-nin know this technique, they are typically reluctant to cure every individual who injures themselves in training or on a mission. Most medics believe that even if the person doesn’t need to learn a lesson for their mistakes, it’s better to heal naturally (with a little bit of help when necessary) than to send a weakened, but technically uninjured, ninja back into danger.

–( Mikiri Saisei - Forsaken Rebirth )–

A powerful, but potentially dangerous, technique, this allows the medic to transform a portion of their ‘life energy’ to another individual. Originally, this had no limitations; a medic could easily kill themselves bring an ally back from the brink of death, which earned the technique its name. Over time, such extreme measures became less necessary (medics capable of using it were, after all, generally more valuable to the village than anyone they might be healing), and the version of the technique taught to medical nin was altered to prevent that.

Effects: After paying the chakra cost, you may ‘spend’ additional Fatigue levels (though you may not render yourself unconscious by doing this) to improve this technique’s effects. In fact, without spending Fatigue this way, it does nothing at all. You may not use this technique on yourself. Each Fatigue level heals 20% of the recipient’s HP and 10% of their Vitality, and lowers their Fatigue level by by 1, in addition to resetting their Chakra and Stamina penalties to 0. Each Fatigue level also allows them to ignore one wound they already have of their choice for the next X in-character days, where X is the total number of Fatigue spent. All their Minor wounds must be ignored before this can move on to Major, and all their Major before they can move on to Severe. This cannot be used to ignore Critical wounds.

–( Shikon no Jutsu - Dead Soul Technique )–

You can reanimate a corpse for a limited amount of time, forcing its heart to beat, organs to appear to function, and chakra to circulate, through careful and precise application of your own chakra. Skilled medical shinobi can completely erase any signs of injury to the corpse, and remove the usual associated smell. This technique is not actually as difficult as it might seem. It’s not even a proper jutsu, just something it becomes very easy for a sufficiently skilled medic to figure out on their own. However, even shinobi have standards, and for most medics this crosses that line. Thus, while it’s not strictly forbidden, there is a very strong stigma attached to its use, especially within the medical community.

Effects: This may target any human corpse which has died in the past (Medicine skill ranks)/2 hours, as long as it has not suffered any Severe or Critical wounds. This technique erases all signs of it being a dead body, and any signs of injury the medic chooses (some may be left in place, to make it more convincing).

You can control this body by minute adjustments of chakra; you do not need to move, only concentrate (and continue to pay the Upkeep), to do so. Once this technique has been applied, the body begins deteriorating rapidly; after (Medicine skill ranks)/3 hours it will be too badly decayed to function. The jutsu will end, and it will appear to have been dead for several days (it will be desiccated, but not decayed, as microbes and vermin will not have actually been consuming it). Byakugan, Flawless Diagnosis, and similar effects can identify the corpse for what it is. Sharingan can tell that the ‘person’ seems to be using some sort of jutsu, possibly similar to Henge, but not identify the technique itself.

You can use these corpses to fight. On their own, they fight normally. In combat with you, you may spend AP to make them act, costing 1 AP per 3 Speed of the action you want them to take. They may not use chakra, though they may talk and perform other complex actions. When necessary, you use your skill rolls in place of theirs. The corpse cannot heal or be healed. It begins at Fatigue 0; if it reaches Fatigue 3, your jutsu ends and the corpse becomes lifeless and unusable. Learning this technique results in a one-time gain of +15 Infamy.